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Am just gonna sit here & watch cos haven't the foggiest what yous all on a bou
On an earlier thread which had been brougt back from the past, it summoned the return of a fm, because they got an email about a reply to their thread. Every reply resulted in an email. That is what started my mission. I've been on it for at least an hour now.
Real by hopping on their wall they only get one email don't they?
Think so, but with me being the OP of this place- i got an email from every post that was posted. Folk that have gone elsewhere will be back when they find that this is a very active forum compared to the rest. Only DS seems as busy- but when have you seen the mods getting involved in the posting? Never .... I have shed loads of Bookmarked forums and there is only one other i can post on and get decent chats, and that's Tiddles and Oggies place.
Reference: LowonIQ
Blizzie i was hoping some of you fm's who have been here longer and know the missing peeps would have a better result than me. i don't know them, i've just trawled for ages through the old threads and hopped on walls of peeps I don't recognise. you can be more successful than me.
But I may be more 'selective' about who I want back!

I don't think it matters who posts, just one post will do it, surely?
this is a very active forum compared to the rest. Only DS seems as busy- but when have you seen the mods getting involved in the posting? Never .... I have shed loads of Bookmarked forums and there is only one other i can post on and get decent chats, and that's Tiddles and Oggies place.
Sorry forgot to mention your latest avvy, very fetching. i agree that this is a lovely forum and that's why I've spent a long time tonight just hopping up to say hi.
I did hop on yours Real whilst i was on my travels.

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