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Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

That sort of thing has been going on for years, Rog. It doesn't matter what Scotland would or wouldn't prefer....we get what Westminster decree, like it or not!


Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!

that is so true 



cologne 1
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

The Proclaimers for a no vote? I`m a wee bit shocked at this. 


Just popped in to edit this: I knew what I was trying to say but it came out as a load of tripe. 

Sorry I didn`t get a chance to reply to you last night Dame, Eugene. Got a phone call.


I`ve read your excellent posts Triggs and Fluffy.  I`ve got visitors arriving in a bit, I`ll be back later tonight. Bye the noo.    

Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

I would like to take a firm grip on Boris and march him, quite quickly, to the Thames, and push him in.

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

The Proclaimers for a no vote? Although I`m a wee bit shocked at this I understand what they`re saying.

I'm a little surprised at this too. I knew that Charlie was supposed to be unhappy with the SNP, but Craig is married to Margo MacDonald's daughter and I thought the boys were still pro-indepenence...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

The Proclaimers for a no vote? Although I`m a wee bit shocked at this I understand what they`re saying.

I'm a little surprised at this too. I knew that the Reid boys weren't very happy with the SNP, but I thought they were still pro-indepenence...

I had no idea they weren`t happy with the SNP. I wonder why.

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

I had no idea they weren`t happy with the SNP. I wonder why.

Please note I've edited my previous post slightly.

There were stories a while back that Charlie stopped supporting the SNP because he was unhappy about them receiving funding from big business.

Thanks, so it seems it was just Charlie who changed allegiance. The Scottish Socialist Party are pro independence.  I`m not quite understanding this. 

Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

The Proclaimers for a no vote? Although I`m a wee bit shocked at this I understand what they`re saying.

I'm a little surprised at this too. I knew that the Reid boys weren't very happy with the SNP, but I thought they were still pro-indepenence...

I had no idea they weren`t happy with the SNP. I wonder why.



I meant a YES sorry that was a typo, they also said they would be vocal and help the campaign if asked....apologies for my typo 

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

The Proclaimers for a no vote? Although I`m a wee bit shocked at this I understand what they`re saying.

I'm a little surprised at this too. I knew that Charlie was supposed to be unhappy with the SNP, but Craig is married to Margo MacDonald's daughter and I thought the boys were still pro-indepenence...

Ok, sorry just saw your edit. I thought so too. Don`t know what`s changed. I`d be interested to hear the radio interview Dame posted about. 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

The Proclaimers for a no vote? Although I`m a wee bit shocked at this I understand what they`re saying.

I'm a little surprised at this too. I knew that the Reid boys weren't very happy with the SNP, but I thought they were still pro-indepenence...

I had no idea they weren`t happy with the SNP. I wonder why.



I meant a YES sorry that was a typo, they also said they would be vocal and help the campaign if asked....apologies for my typo 

Ah! The biggest hugest typo ever!  Kidding, no problem Dame

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Ok, sorry just saw your edit. I thought so too. Don`t know what`s changed. I`d be interested to hear the radio interview Dame posted about. 




see my edit above Scotty, apologies again for my typo and the fact that I don't know my yes's from my no's   it was on Pienaars politics 13th October if you can find the interview, I've looked and can't find the full transcript.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Ok, sorry just saw your edit. I thought so too. Don`t know what`s changed. I`d be interested to hear the radio interview Dame posted about. 




see my edit above Scotty, apologies again for my typo and the fact that I don't know my yes's from my no's   it was on Pienaars politics 13th October if you can find the interview, I've looked and can't find the full transcript.

Saw it Dame, no problem     We`re all a wee bit out if sync.


We`ll get there in the end...maybe?  

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Ah! The biggest hugest typo ever!  Kidding, no problem Dame


Thanks, Dame - that makes more sense now...


I had to rectify that error Eugene  in my defence I had been to the Proclaimers concert the night before in Glasgow and had consumed a large of amount of alcohol, so I was obviously still suffering the effects when I posted my No which should have been Yes post

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Ah! The biggest hugest typo ever!  Kidding, no problem Dame


Thanks, Dame - that makes more sense now...


I had to rectify that error Eugene  in my defence I had been to the Proclaimers concert the night before in Glasgow and had consumed a large of amount of alcohol, so I was obviously still suffering the effects when I posted my No which should have been Yes post

 The only way to go!

I think we can safely say you're excused, Dame...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Ah! The biggest hugest typo ever!  Kidding, no problem Dame


Thanks, Dame - that makes more sense now...


I had to rectify that error Eugene  in my defence I had been to the Proclaimers concert the night before in Glasgow and had consumed a large of amount of alcohol, so I was obviously still suffering the effects when I posted my No which should have been Yes post

 The only way to go!

I think we can safely say you're excused, Dame...


Originally Posted by Scotty:





Gosh! This is really compelling and illustrates the frustration felt by Scots. 

However, I do feel that fear will have a hand in the decision making process for many people. And fear will fuel numerous 'no' votes because, however frustrating the situation is - as outlined above in Scotty's image - some Scots perceive that there is safety in the union. I think people, and I'm one of them, need to become much more informed and get a balanced view of what we have to gain and not just what we would lose in an independent Scotland. But fear is a factor that the SNP need to work extremely hard to alleviate, or votes will be cast on the back of knee-jerk reactions.   


See, that's just it! It is fear that Westminster are promoting. All, or mostly all, that's come from them is how Scotland WON'T be able to sustain this,that and the next thing....but you have to ask yourself, who is actually the more scared?


They are trying to hold over us, like a Sword of Damocles' the question of whether an independent Scotland would or wouldn't be a member of NATO.

However, have they actually asked ANY Scots if that question is of any real consequence. Could it be that they are more worried that an independent Scotland could force them to remove their Nuclear Deterent from Scottish waters and thus force them to re-site it closer to London?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:



Westminster is not England oriented, it is London oriented. Nothing much matters outside London and its close environs!


I was listening to an interview on Sunday with the Proclaimers and they are hoping for a no vote, but they said where does that leave a lot on the Northern Counties of England..  even the Scottish understand how we feel, but most of the south haven't a clue  If it is a yes vote it works out for Scotland 

The Proclaimers for a no vote? I`m a wee bit shocked at this. 


Just popped in to edit this: I knew what I was trying to say but it came out as a load of tripe. 

Sorry I didn`t get a chance to reply to you last night Dame, Eugene. Got a phone call.


I`ve read your excellent posts Triggs and Fluffy.  I`ve got visitors arriving in a bit, I`ll be back later tonight. Bye the noo.  

Oops made a mess of that.   Bye again 

Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Scotty:





Gosh! This is really compelling and illustrates the frustration felt by Scots. 

However, I do feel that fear will have a hand in the decision making process for many people. And fear will fuel numerous 'no' votes because, however frustrating the situation is - as outlined above in Scotty's image - some Scots perceive that there is safety in the union. I think people, and I'm one of them, need to become much more informed and get a balanced view of what we have to gain and not just what we would lose in an independent Scotland. But fear is a factor that the SNP need to work extremely hard to alleviate, or votes will be cast on the back of knee-jerk reactions.   

Most of us would have voted against those things too,so we should feel just as miffed as you guys that they were imposed on us too.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Scotty:





Gosh! This is really compelling and illustrates the frustration felt by Scots. 

However, I do feel that fear will have a hand in the decision making process for many people. And fear will fuel numerous 'no' votes because, however frustrating the situation is - as outlined above in Scotty's image - some Scots perceive that there is safety in the union. I think people, and I'm one of them, need to become much more informed and get a balanced view of what we have to gain and not just what we would lose in an independent Scotland. But fear is a factor that the SNP need to work extremely hard to alleviate, or votes will be cast on the back of knee-jerk reactions.   

Most of us would have voted against those things too,so we should feel just as miffed as you guys that they were imposed on us too.

Most of us as individuals would have voted against the examples obviously but did our elected MP's? No one wants increases and cuts of this kind - they are unpopular and indeed unfair to many.


I guess changes are needed in order to get the UK back into some sort of financial order and it hurts some more than others. I don't suppose it's an easy decision for an elected MP to make but ...................sometimes unpopular measures are necessary.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Triggers:
Originally Posted by Scotty:





Gosh! This is really compelling and illustrates the frustration felt by Scots. 

However, I do feel that fear will have a hand in the decision making process for many people. And fear will fuel numerous 'no' votes because, however frustrating the situation is - as outlined above in Scotty's image - some Scots perceive that there is safety in the union. I think people, and I'm one of them, need to become much more informed and get a balanced view of what we have to gain and not just what we would lose in an independent Scotland. But fear is a factor that the SNP need to work extremely hard to alleviate, or votes will be cast on the back of knee-jerk reactions.   

Most of us would have voted against those things too,so we should feel just as miffed as you guys that they were imposed on us too.

Most of us as individuals would have voted against the examples obviously but did our elected MP's? No one wants increases and cuts of this kind - they are unpopular and indeed unfair to many.


I guess changes are needed in order to get the UK back into some sort of financial order and it hurts some more than others. I don't suppose it's an easy decision for an elected MP to make but ...................sometimes unpopular measures are necessary.

The point is, that Scotland should have the right to choose where our money goes. We are not the poor relation of England, and we should not be governed by a non elected government. Yet we are, Conservatives should have no power over us. Yes cuts are necessary, but we in Scotland should have the right to decide where these cuts are needed, and money put in the right place, where it is needed.This has been taken from us.Thats the whole point of being Independent , we can make our own decisions

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


I guess changes are needed in order to get the UK back into some sort of financial order and it hurts some more than others. I don't suppose it's an easy decision for an elected MP to make but ...................sometimes unpopular measures are necessary.



I agree about the cuts, if its deemed fair and its certainly not with the Condems, and as much as I would like Scotland to stay in the Union, I don't don't blame them one bit, If I lived another 35 miles north, I.  know which way I would be voting

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


I guess changes are needed in order to get the UK back into some sort of financial order and it hurts some more than others. I don't suppose it's an easy decision for an elected MP to make but ...................sometimes unpopular measures are necessary.



I agree about the cuts, if its deemed fair and its certainly not with the Condems, and as much as I would like Scotland to stay in the Union, I don't don't blame them one bit, If I lived another 35 miles north, I.  know which way I would be voting

And I agree with you Dame ................especially as the evidence shows that the majority of Scottish MP's voted against. 

Soozy Woo

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