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Hello Sprouty


I only skimmed the article but it's not very surprising at all.  We just take antibiotics for everything when a lot of the time they're not what is needed at all.  Sometimes painkillers or simple rest is all that's needed but antibiotics are too quickly sought.  I think some doctors also give them out too freely as their waiting lists are packing up with various other things and it's just easier to write a prescription for a pack of Amoxicillan or whatever when someone rings in with sore throat etc.  I don't take antibiotics unless I am at deaths door (bit dramatic) but I do take way too many pankillers (pre-pregnancy) and noticed that I was getting resistant to normal paracetamol and needed stronger stuff.



Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

The reason this has suddenly become "big news" is because "antibiotics" has just been chosen as the winning challenge for the Longitude Prize. I must admit it was the one I voted for...



It begs the question, if it had not have won would we have had Cameron on the box still talking about the challenges facing development of new antibiotics?


I think not... but we will never know, unless I can find the right parallel universe.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

The reason this has suddenly become "big news" is because "antibiotics" has just been chosen as the winning challenge for the Longitude Prize. I must admit it was the one I voted for...



It begs the question, if it had not have won would we have had Cameron on the box still talking about the challenges facing development of new antibiotics?


I think not... but we will never know, unless I can find the right parallel universe.


I was listening to Cameron this morning, and thought "Oh that's a coincidence - he's talking about one of the Longitude challenges." I hadn't realized that the decision had already been made: as soon as I discovered that, the penny dropped.


I guarantee that the only reason Cameron is talking about antibiotics right now is because of the Longitude Prize.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


I found it rather curious that Mr Cameron was on the BBC this morning banging on about it - the whole thing just seemed rather random, not the kind of thing you expect the Prime Minister to be chirping on about, more like the British Medical Council.



I heard it this morning too and though 'so he's a doctor now too..'    I agree, it's not a new phenomenon, he's just jumping on the bandwagon because there's a new report out


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