Okay, its a bit of a shame that she is on the nasty end of unrequited love, but FFS - let's not pretend that Hoodie Thingy hasn't used it to her advantage
I watch the inmates very carefully when they're doing their 'piece to camera' in the DR and she mostly couldn't look at the camera, straight on when she was pretending to be 'oh so offended' that her bessie mate fancied her. Give me a bloody break, love *rollseyes*
For what its worth, I'm loving this years show, and my opinions about them change on almost a daily basis!
No change there then
Shame the show is going to be binned off after this one and as much as I'd like it to continue, I wouldn't want another channel to pick up the format and do it badly - just wouldn't be the same
Like Fawlty Towers and other genius shows, perhaps its better to go out on a high.

For what its worth, I'm loving this years show, and my opinions about them change on almost a daily basis!
No change there then

Shame the show is going to be binned off after this one and as much as I'd like it to continue, I wouldn't want another channel to pick up the format and do it badly - just wouldn't be the same

Like Fawlty Towers and other genius shows, perhaps its better to go out on a high.