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Hmmmm hard choice but I vote yes....

Are they beating Jen and Dale yet?
Are they beating Jen and Dale yet?
Oh I think so Lecster.
George and Zezi? 

*Pines for crappy international pop-star Paul and blinkin' Helen*
George and Zezi?
George and me, provided he never EVER has an opinion on anything, ever and does not choose his own clothes 
Former Member
Loved TOT calling her that,and yes,not buying this,"ralationship"
George and Zezi?
Zezi was possibly the single biggest mistake C4 ever made. Apart from losing Russel from BBBM I suppose.
Reference: Leccy
George and me, provided he never EVER has an opinion on anything, ever and does not choose his own clothes

Well in terms of "relationships" actually in the house: yes, you're probably right.
However the most ridiculously contrived relationship between BB HMs remains without a doubt Kemal and Kinga...
However the most ridiculously contrived relationship between BB HMs remains without a doubt Kemal and Kinga...
Well in terms of "relationships" actually in the house: yes, you're probably right. However the most ridiculously contrived relationship between BB HMs remains without a doubt Kemal and Kinga...
At least that was outside and we didn't have to watch it unlike this which is night after night after night after night after night after nigh...........
Saskia and Maxwell?
"I luv ya Sas, you well fit"
"ooooo Maxwell, *giggle* magazine deals *cough*"
"I luv ya Sas, you well fit"
"ooooo Maxwell, *giggle* magazine deals *cough*"
Saskia and Maxwell were far more genuine that anything skanky shabby has offered.
So yes I agree with Prometheus
So yes I agree with Prometheus

Thats how I see her name too! 

Nickiiii and that fake guy from brighton.
What exactly is said to be contrived... Shabby having a crush - which seems quite realistic to me - or Caoimhe having a boyfriend?
There has been so many over the years far worse than them

Forget showmance, this more 'throw'mance 

Former Member
# Te amo te amo she said to me #
*slaps self on side of head*

*slaps self on side of head*

Maybe on Shabby's part yes. But I don't think from Caoimhe's side. To be honest I think Caoimhe just happily skips and giggles her way through life
I don't know about 'most contrived' as there's a hell of a lot of competition. I don't think we can say they're a couple yet anyway. If they do become a couple then it will be up there with the likes of Nikki and Pete.
The mole and lemming could compete. 

The mole and lemming could compete.
Add the other one and we could be heading for a menage a twots
menage a twots
hee hee 
Reference: Toid
Add the other one and we could be heading for a menage a twots

Not that I'm suggesting he might want to get into the guys' trousers, or nuffin.

Not that I'm suggesting he might want to get into the guys' trousers, or nuffin
Heaven forfend. 
He just wants to infuse them both with some holy spirit..

What exactly is said to be contrived... Shabby having a crush - which seems quite realistic to me - or Caoimhe having a boyfriend?
There's no crush involved. Shabby the oxygen thief is using Blokebird to get as much airtime as possible. For his/her part, Blokebird co-operates because without the fake lezbo romance you'd never see her on highlights. She has absolutely zilch to offer.Reference:
She has absolutely zilch to offer.
But clearly more to offerReference:
There's no crush involved. Shabby the oxygen thief is using Blokebird to get as much airtime as possible. For his/her part, Blokebird co-operates because without the fake lezbo romance you'd never see her on highlights. She has absolutely zilch to offer.
So, given her performance in the immunity task yesterday; Ben, Dave and Goven much surely have less than absolutely zilch to offer... interesting.Reference:
So, given her performance in the immunity task yesterday; Ben, Dave and Goven much surely have less than absolutely zilch to offer... interesting.
Caoimhe (aka Blokebird) didn't do that task.Reference:
Cold Sweat is harbouring a sad little fantasy
Is there any need for personal comment about other FMs?
I voted for Shabby last Friday but later decided she wasn't that bad after all - certainly no worse than several other housemates and that threads such as this require a balance of opinion - not just negativity.
Former Member
Is there any need for personal comment about other FMs?
I voted for Shabby last Friday but later decided she wasn't that bad after all - certainly no worse than several other housemates and that threads such as this require a balance of opinion - not just negativity.
I voted for Shabby last Friday but later decided she wasn't that bad after all - certainly no worse than several other housemates and that threads such as this require a balance of opinion - not just negativity.
Sorry if you found that personal - I was merely offering an opinion as to why anyone coud justify Shabby's behaviour.
And why does this thread need a balance of opinion? If you like Shabby, start your own thread and I am sure that others will comment.
This, like MANY others is pointing out that which is glaringly obvious to everyone else.... apart from one person seemingly.

You said: without the fake lezbo romance you'd never see her on highlights - but your latest post admits that Caoimhe was not involved with the task. Therefore, having watched Shabby winning the task alone, and as a major part of the Wednesday highlight show - the opposite might well be true.
You seem to have got hopelessly confused. I was saying without the fake lezbo romance Keeva would never feature on the highlights, she has zero to offer. No personality and a mere smidgeon of intelligence. I suppose there's the comedy factor that she looks like a bloke but that can only stretch so far.
Tiresome pair of bints, I actually think Keever is the nastiest of the pair.
If you can find it within yourself to defend her you really won't need any posters making comments about you, you're making a prize prick of yourself without the need for external assistance.
Well, i have to disagree and believe that my contributions are worthy - if not always popular.
You seem to have got hopelessly confused
Easily done... given that i didn't know we had a housemate called Blokebird!Reference:
but that can only stretch so
Unlike her leggings.
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