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After being saved first last night i think she thinks she is in with a good chance of winning, on LF after caroline left she was quick to have it out with Deana after Ash told her Deana had been talking about her yet when Deana asked her what she had done she started to explain until Ash walked in and she started stuttering and couldn't come up with an answer, she will try and get rid of 2 of the outsiders this week

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Originally Posted by Aimee:

After being saved first last night i think she thinks she is in with a good chance of winning, on LF after caroline left she was quick to have it out with Deana after Ash told her Deana had been talking about her yet when Deana asked her what she had done she started to explain until Ash walked in and she started stuttering and couldn't come up with an answer, she will try and get rid of 2 of the outsiders this week

That made no sense to me at all Aims, what on earth was she going on about? She said nothing of any meaning and then kept backtracking by saying the likes of 'maybe it's just me.' I assume that what she was trying to say, without saying it, was that she thought Deana was untrustworthy and playing the game and that she was still p'd off with the comment Deana had made ref their 'Caroline' argument about her trying to make herself look good? 


Aimee, this was what started it, Sara seemed to think that Deana was being contradictory, but seemed most p'd off that Deana accused her of trying to make herself look good.


Oh and then Ashleigh told Sara that Deana had said to people that, during that argument ^^^ Sara had said she didn't like Caroline

Last edited by Former Member

ive noticed sara picks/has arguements with people, so you think right shes gonna nominate them, and she never does, the fact she nominated ash and luke s was a surprise to me. so i think the gang will think the same. oh does that make sense?

i mean she argued with adam and luke a and shes argued with deana and caroline before but didnt nominate them. could be me imagining it though.,

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Normal noms are cancelled.It's the families of housemates that will be nominating on Monday,they will each pick  2 housemates.This sucks as there are more in team nasties side.

Normal Diary Room nominations have been scrapped, with a family member of each wannabe picking two people to face the public vote instead.

Big Brother is set to rock the house next Friday, with only weeks left in the Big Brother house this could set the cat amongst the pigeon.


From Big brother Extra site.....actually I hope it's wrong ,nothing on CH5 site.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Yeah i got it right thanks supes


I think Sara is playing a good game, she's keeping herself in with both camps, i hate the way she keeps going back to how she stuck up for Deana, it does seem that Deana is well aware of the cameras though

I agree Aims, a floater, albeit largely a v boring one!

Deana did have a hard time in there, but I do think she plays to the cameras and I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Normal noms are cancelled.It's the families of housemates that will be nominating on Monday,they will each pick  2 housemates.This sucks as there are more in team nasties side.

I see three v three fully signed up members of each group katty, with Becky increasingly being drawn to the insiders.

I think that I read that the hms will see the noms, so it'll depend on how the familes decide to play the game and what msg they want to give to them about who's popular/who their friends really are. Could be interesting


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