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i didn't like sam.........but said last night and again this morning.......i think he came across well in his interview........he admitted he'd gone too far and when he was told he was favourite to win......accepted that his actions cost him.............i think he's a far better lad when he's behaving normally and not like a hyped up schoolkid....if he can put a lid on that i think he'll do well out of bb......he's an intelligent lad.......but this desire he has to wind ppl up spoils him imo
i didn't like sam.........but said last night and again this morning.......i think he came across well in his interview........he admitted he'd gone too far and when he was told he was favourite to win......accepted that his actions cost him.............i think he's a far better lad when he's behaving normally and not like a hyped up schoolkid....if he can put a lid on that i think he'll do well out of bb......he's an intelligent lad.......but this desire he has to wind ppl up spoils him imo
He came across REALLY well in his interview...I was sooooo proud!!
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)
He was a brilliant addition to the house. If he hadn't started the messing (Corin) he would have won it hands down imo
I think if anything let him down it was associating himself too closely with John James....Corin deserved all she got from him, and her interview with Davina was a disgrace! (so much so my other half woke up the early hours of this morning to rant about it in her sleep SERIOUSLY!!)
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)
A wind up with no boundaries, except with steve which he said he was afraid of ( yeah right, afraid of the public outcry if he had). Agreed entreating for the first week , cos he was different and new
I dunno, I got the impression from his interview that he is just like a little boy, and he was actually a bit scared of steve. I would be
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)
spongebob squarepants offline 5,699 Forum Posts Today at 10:28 AM Last Edited: i didn't like sam.........but said last night and again this morning.......i think he came across well in his interview........he admitted he'd gone too far and when he was told he was favourite to win......accepted that his actions cost him.............i think he's a far better lad when he's behaving normally and not like a hyped up schoolkid....if he can put a lid on that i think he'll do well out of bb......he's an intelligent lad.......but this desire he has to wind ppl up spoils him imo
I loved Sammy Pepper, but agree with what you say spongey.

He did show a different side in the house, when he looked after Steve and helped him (the only one to do that).  Also, when he did the task to get Dave his letter from his kids - showed quite a caring side to him.
i didn't have a problem with his 'pranks' ll....i thought he was funny putting garlic in josie's pillowcase as revenge for the toothbrush thing.......those types of things are acceptable.........but he went waaaaaaaaaaaaay over the line with corin and that's what cost him.........he's got to learn to reign it in and keep the jokes at an acceptable level....and i honestly think he will........he knows it cost him and hopefully he'll learn from it
spongebob squarepants offline 5,701 Forum Posts Today at 10:52 AM Last Edited: i didn't have a problem with his 'pranks' ll....i thought he was funny putting garlic in josie's pillowcase as revenge for the toothbrush thing.......those types of things are acceptable.........but he went waaaaaaaaaaaaay over the line with corin and that's what cost him.........he's got to learn to reign it in and keep the jokes at an acceptable level....and i honestly think he will........he knows it cost him and hopefully he'll learn from it
Agree again spongey.  I think if he can learn from his mistakes (and that goes for all of us), then hopefully he will have learned a valuable lesson.  No-one minds pranks, but when they turn like this one did, then it ceases to be funny.  Pranks are ok except when they begin to hurt and upset people and that was where he went wrong.  Mind you, the others encouraging him to continue were just to blame imo.  All it needed was for someone like Steve to have taken him to one side to tell him that he is going OTT and should stop.  Alas, no-one did.
Sam Pepper should be in the final. I find it hard to believe two Blands like Andrew and JJ are in the final - all one can say about them is that they`re NICE - and anyone can be nice. Sam Pepper is a real character probably destined to do lots more media work.
The final is a right disappointment now eh. GUTTED!!

I agree, we aint seen the last of Sammy pepper!!
Monobrow (Sam is a legend)

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