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Ohh shes off her head. I did think she was taking the piss in the beginning, until i saw her interviewed  on this morning.  Shes one of those women who look at themselves with rose coloured glasses and think we are all jealous of her. Fair enough if she wants to believe that of herself, shes not harming anyone, just making us all gasp and giggle, but its not on when she starts insulting other people. Shes deluded.  (but dont tell her i said that or her husband will shoot me .... hell, hes gonna shoot you for starting this thread )

*quakes in boots*

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

The whole fuss was started by AA Gill, who wrote that Mary Beard "should be kept away from cameras altogether".

Gill's a notorious mysoginist with a reputation for insulting clever women who are anything less than Page 3 material. 

If nothing else, Ms Brick certainly knows a publicity exercise when she sees it, and she decided to add her tuppence-worth...

I agree the clown should be ignored .

Originally Posted by pirate1111:
Originally Posted by Sezit:

I am besotted with her fabulous looks, and if I didn't get my daily dose of her wisdom and beauty, I think I would just curl me toes up and pop me clogs.

i used to go out with a dutch girl who wore inflatable shoes, she died, she popped her clogs aswell


the old ones are the best ones


Lol @ the farting fairies


I think the only reason she gets away with it is cos she's not actually that great.... If it were someone who actually was very good looking saying these things they'd be dragged over the coals and sacked bdq!


Do you think she's an equal opportunities employee? They only have her to top up the mentally ill staff quota?


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