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why do they all call him Sam Pepper   I know it's his name, but they always use both names.
People do it subconsciously, they think using his full name somehow adds weight to whatever drivel they're spouting about him. It doesn't, obviously. It's not dissimilar to a parent chastising a child they'll say 'Alexandra' instead of 'Alex' to let the child know they mean business.
I think that's a fair bet...he's deflating some serious egos in there
Suze, he's covering my Corin, John James and Josie bets! BUT I'll win more money if he wins! Yeah he'll get nominated big style, but will he go soon, not a chance imo. He's playing a vvv clever game for someone coming in late: representing the viewers/ avid fms who want pay back / someone to call out the hms on their 'perceived truths' etc.etc.  Boy did he do his homework before he went in.... One of a zillion examples: he'd left John James alone for obvious reasons, even said that he thought he had real feelings for Josie but she hadn't for him, () then yesterday POW he was right in there to call him out on quitting the task and then later complained about people keeping him awake by making noise in the bedroom, thus ensuring that if there wasn't a Ben fan in the land who wasn't already on his side they would be now Can't stand the guy, but as a strategist I'll happily take my hat and coat off to him
i don't like him for the insults he dishes out.....way to personal and it's not shaking the house up to call someone a 'fat slag' or 'josie wearing a bikini should be made illegal'........that's just rude and unneccesary and he shows himself up to be someone who just gobs off........

shaking the house up is what he did by fronting jj about the task and saying openly that he'd lost them money........i think jj was more than surprised someone 'dared' to speak to him like that when he views himself as the golden boy of bb........more of that and i'd agree he's unsettling them.......
I get called my full and proper name by everyone all the time (not surname! ) I must be in trouble aaaaaaaaaaaall the time

Nah, my parents wouldn't let my name be shortened and now I wouldn't feel right answering to anything other than the full's just me.  Like the equivalent of being a Jennifer full time and never, EVER a Jen or Jenny (not my name but you get the gist)
Yes i get that saying John James instead of just John, but not the surname too.
I got the surname too when I was in uber trouble, which was far too often . Obviously the HM's don't see it as a parent/child relationship but using someone's full name is something people do subconsciously when they want to get their point across.

It shows how much he's rattled their cages. Long may it continue
i don't like him for the insults he dishes out.....way to personal and it's not shaking the house up to call someone a 'fat slag' or 'josie wearing a bikini should be made illegal'
I know you'll disagree but I don't think he's at all serious when he says things like that. He says it for a laugh and they take everything he says way too personally. It's not something 'I' would say even in joking but I don't think there's any real malice in him.
People do it subconsciously, they think using his full name somehow adds weight to whatever drivel they're spouting about him. It doesn't, obviously. It's not dissimilar to a parent chastising a child they'll say 'Alexandra' instead of 'Alex' to let the child know they mean business.
Yeah, I agree, a formality that implies distance and a certain disdain but not quite as obviously rude as using just a surname.  Plus, if several people call him by a name others will likely get into the same way of talking about him.

I think I'm right in saying Dave is the only one who still calls Mario "Mole" or "Moley", which suggest dislike to me.
  He does not have one redeeming feature, and is a perfectly repulsive human being.  He is just utterly horrible.  I just really, truly cannot fathom for one nano-second why ANYone would find this horrible, irritating, argumentative, confrontational little know-all, entertaining or endearing; it beggars belief, truly it does.  What on earth is entertaining or endearing about this creature?  He is putrid.  I would have punched his fat,ugly little face by now if I had been in there.  Horrid creature!
 No offence to Ben fans on here, (Ben was possibly my favourite early hm warts and all) sooo WHY oh WHY would the big Ben fans, (who were largely Freddie fans,) all suddenly love Sam? He is the absolute antithesis of all they like and respect, I'll take an educated guess that if he'd been there at the start with his put downs, insults and acerbity they would have seriously disapproved of his behaviour and now they're backing him.......... I tells ye he's a cleva bugga
know you'll disagree but I don't think he's at all serious when he says things like that. He says it for a laugh and they take everything he says way too personally. It's not something 'I' would say even in joking but I don't think there's any real malice in him.
Sorry Prom. but in what universe is calling some one a fat slag funny?
I would hate it if someone called me that - I would not find it funny at all. 
Name calling, cheap jibes etc is a product of an uneducated mind. 

And as for saying there is no malice...
even if there isn't. then clearly he needs to learn some social skills if he thinks that is how to behave.
Isadora online
Sorry Prom. but in what universe is calling some one a fat slag funny? I would hate it if someone called me that - I would not find it funny at all. Name calling, cheap jibes etc is a product of an uneducated mind. And as for saying there is no malice... even if there isn't. then clearly he needs to learn some social skills if he thinks that is how to behave.
Josie has called him many insulting names in conversations with others and to his face.  Josie has a very thin skin for insults directed at her but is very insensitive towards others.  Josie loves holding grudges and canvassing support from others.
I know you'll disagree but I don't think he's at all serious when he says things like that. He says it for a laugh
And he gets laughs from the viewers, but not in the house. His  put-downs are always at someone else's expense, how they manage it depends on their own self-esteem......and imo people with a half decent self esteem don't come out with shit like he does in the first place
What people like about him is he says it to their faces, not behind their backs. He doesn't bitch he just says what he thinks. First BB HM I've ever seen do that (I haven't watched all the shows).
Yes it is so entertaining watching nastiness and bitchiness all the time. I don't like it when they do it behind behind each other's backs and I hate the gratuitous spitefulness that everyone's hero seems to think is the way forward.
Reference: Carnelian
Josie has called him many insulting names in conversations with others and to his face. Josie has a very thin skin for insults directed at her but is very insensitive towards others. Josie loves holding grudges and canvassing support from others.
Well, we heard her story about being constantly called Fatty and having rubbish tipped over her.

Maybe "Fat Slag", "Miss Piggy" and the comment about the bikini etc., give her the right to fight back?
I think I'm right in saying Dave is the only one who still calls Mario "Mole" or "Moley", which suggest dislike to me.
Yes indeed.

Dave can still describe Mario as a "friend" and still say he loves him. But calling him Mole instead of Mario certainly distances himself which makes it easier for Dave when he gets his knife out.

It depersonalises Mario, again making it easier for Dave to target him.
A bit reminiscent of Halfwit and DogFace last year. Intended to alienate and depersonalise, which in turn makes it easier for Dave to do harm to him.
He may not even be aware.
"Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Tw*t"...He was of course referring to; Maxwell, Craig, and Anthony.
Hah! That was ACE!
OHG used to have a thread with all our Sci-Dog's best quotes in, they guy had a saying for every situation.  Makosi and her eyebrows Hahahaha!

"Yer grandaddy was a pimp"....he had me in stitches.  All time top 5 HM.   Don't care no one else liked him...he made that series for me.

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