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I absolutely could not disagree more.  He does not have one redeeming feature, and is a perfectly repulsive human being.  He is just utterly horrible.  I just really, truly cannot fathom for one nano-second why ANYone would find this horrible, irritating, argumentative, confrontational little know-all, entertaining or endearing; it beggars belief, truly it does.  What on earth is entertaining or endearing about this creature?  He is putrid.  I would have punched his fat,ugly little face by now if I had been in there.  Horrid creature! 
I absolutely could not disagree more.  He does not have one redeeming feature, and is a perfectly repulsive human being.  He is just utterly horrible.  I just really, truly cannot fathom for one nano-second why ANYone would find this horrible, irritating, argumentative, confrontational little know-all, entertaining or endearing; it beggars belief, truly it does.  What on earth is entertaining or endearing about this creature?  He is putrid.  I would have punched his fat,ugly little face by now if I had been in there.  Horrid creature!
I love you and want to have your children
I absolutely could not disagree more.  He does not have one redeeming feature, and is a perfectly repulsive human being.  He is just utterly horrible.  I just really, truly cannot fathom for one nano-second why ANYone would find this horrible, irritating, argumentative, confrontational little know-all, entertaining or endearing; it beggars belief, truly it does.  What on earth is entertaining or endearing about this creature?  He is putrid.  I would have punched his fat,ugly little face by now if I had been in there.  Horrid creature!
JJ thread's up the page.
I absolutely could not disagree more. He does not have one redeeming feature, and is a perfectly repulsive human being. He is just utterly horrible. I just really, truly cannot fathom for one nano-second why ANYone would find this horrible, irritating, argumentative, confrontational little know-all, entertaining or endearing; it beggars belief, truly it does. What on earth is entertaining or endearing about this creature? He is putrid. I would have punched his fat,ugly little face by now if I had been in there. Horrid creature!

It's more the fact that he's winding up the people who think they are going to win.

He's awesome, makes me proper laugh
Adore the guy for what he has brought to the house. He has single handedly destroyed the comfort zones of housemates who were getting too comfortable.

Sam comes out with the same types of insults that John-James has been spewing since day one. The only difference is, John-James targeted weak housemates (and mainly women), whereas Sam goes after the big fish who deserve a little comeuppance. 
Adore the guy for what he has brought to the house. He has single handedly destroyed the comfort zones of housemates who were getting too comfortable. Sam comes out with the same types of insults that John-James has been spewing since day one. The only difference is, John-James targeted weak housemates (and mainly women), whereas Sam goes after the big fish who deserve a little comeuppance.
100% Spot on!
Senora Reyes
they all thought they had it all sussed , in comes sam and turns it all upside down for them. they could all see the home straight and thought they were safe.
the monk gets nastier by the day towards sam, jj likes him but int got a clue how to handle him, and josies not happy about that.
the others wonder whats hit them and sit opened mouthed cos thye have no answers for him.
he will probably be a hate figure by some on the outside to, but hes woke them up and got jj and josie out of bed. lol
Sam and Corin have had a blow up on live feed earlier, Sam going on about the smokers using tokens and it went from there. Corin was fuming because she said she gives every thing in the tasks. Think he may have buggered up her chances of winning, depending on the edit. Didin't agree with him today saying, Josie in a bikini should be made illegal... the novelty wore of Sam days ago for me.
I'm not really bothered about him, or any of the rest of them........the burning question for me is 
why do they all call him Sam Pepper   I know it's his name, but they always use both names.

They don't do that with any other HM........Josie does it all the time...........Why?

I really need to know, cos it cracks me up     It's not as if there's two Sams in there.

Oh........and Rawky    (that should have been at the top)

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