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Well the JJJ army on FB happen to be huge Sam fans now as well.  One thing that pleased me was there are more "Josie to win" comments then there are "John James to win" comments these days.  Josie winning would be a God-send compared with the prospect of either John James or Sam winning.

I have to disagree with that. Josie has had an easy ride, riding the waves of her house romance under the duvet. Outside of her often crude humour, there isn't much to her. Her personality pretty much consists of "Leave me be, I'm on my period" and "Do you love me, John James?". When I think back over the 9 weeks, that is 90% of what she has brought to the show.

I used to like her a lot. A lot! But it wore thin. It doesn't help that Big Brother has shoved her down our throats.

At this point, I think I'd rather John-James win ahead of Josie.
Josie has had an easy ride

Sam has been awful to Josie, calling her a fat slag, miss piggy, saying it should be illegal for her to wear a bikini.  So not really that easy of a ride.  However, despite the terrible comments he's made it comes as no suprise to me that he is favourite to win.  Nastiness has ruled supreme all series.
Sam has been awful to Josie, calling her a fat slag, miss piggy, saying it should be illegal for her to wear a bikini.  So not really that easy of a ride.  However, despite the terrible comments he's made it comes as no suprise to me that he is favourite to win.  Nastiness has ruled supreme all series.

I don't see why the rules should only apply to Sam in this case. Josie has called him a skinny runt, and 'Where's Wally' due to his hair and glasses, and other things that I can't quite recall. If we're going to call people up for insults, lets call Josie up too.
I don't see why the rules should only apply to Sam in this case. Josie has called him a skinny runt, and 'Where's Wally' due to his hair and glasses, and other things that I can't quite recall. If we're going to call people up for insults, lets call Josie up too.
Yes and I know he took it in good part but that was quite a vicious wedgie she handed out.
I don't see why the rules should only apply to Sam in this case. Josie has called him a skinny runt, and 'Where's Wally' due to his hair and glasses, and other things that I can't quite recall. If we're going to call people up for insults, lets call Josie up too.
When Josie says things I guess it is considered tongue in cheek, whereas others are just rude.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Yes and I know he took it in good part but that was quite a vicious wedgie she handed out.

OK well first of all I seem to remember that it was Dave that was mostly responsible for that, and secondly let's not forget that the only reason Sam is still in the house at all is because Josie decided not to complain to BB after Sam thrust his crotch in her face.  Something he still earned a warning for.  People have been ejected for far less in the past...
Sam has been awful to Josie, calling her a fat slag, miss piggy, saying it should be illegal for her to wear a bikini.

She was insulting him as well remember. He does it for banter, which he admits and apologises if Josie gets offended, which she often does but doesn't admit it too Sam, just to the others.

He's no bully.
but sam is now just like the rest....he's no longer contraversial....he kept it up for a few days and now he's being the h/mate he said he didn't want to be....i remember when he said 'oh they all want to be friends and stuff ' and he didn't appear to want that....he caused upset for a few days and now he's shut up...he's no more interesting than joe john for example

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