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My theory is Dave and JJ set Sam up because they were all up for eviction and wanted to see an arguement to  put Sam in a bad light Dave and JJ2 started ranting about Sam to JJ1 winding him up which was not a good move because if the friction in the bedroom between JJ1 and Sam,whilst they were ranting they asked JJ1 his   opinion that was enough to set the ball rolling it just went on and on from there,when Dave and JJ2 came out of the bathroom Sam was calling JJ1 a name Dave said are you going to tell him that to his face which Sam said yes and marched into the bathroom shouting at JJ1 which I dont blame him,Dave and JJ2 then sat back like angels and started backtracking unfortunately Sam never heard half of what they said,then JJ1 went into the bedroom and continued the arguement,I felt so sorry for Sam as he was very upset and  was crying,please dont start me on Josie hiding lying on the floor quite happy to see trouble brewing,she could have went into the bathroom and nipped it in the bud and saved Sam having to hear all that,she is a sly two faced backtracker who made it all about her in the end, JJ1 thinks she naive and believes everything she say's bigger fool him they are well suited
I hate chanting but would be quite happy to hear GET JJ1 out with Josie' name followed close behind.

Sorry for the long post.
Reference: Lee
She heard one thing about her Supes,one thing which she then as usual made mountains out of molehills about ,and, in fact the thing she heard was actually more negative about Sam than her.
One thing, which made her start listening, and them more about both her and Sam, which he was listening to, too.

And they were both laughing about it all, all the way through.
And they were both laughing about it all, all the way through.
Really?,when Sam said he's being malicious about me he wasn't laughing,by that stage Josie was defending her beau saying about his nice side and how he'd tell Sam to his face....Someone is telling lies somewhere btw,he claimed it all started in the shower as his sidekicks asked his opinion on Sam,according to his luv interest he intended telling Sam all this later any road,who's the liar?
Reference: Lee
Really?,when Sam said he's being malicious about me he wasn't laughing,by that stage Josie was defending her beau saying about his nice side and how he'd tell Sam to his face....Someone is telling lies somewhere btw,he claimed it all started in the shower as his sidekicks asked his opinion on Sam,according to his luv interest he intended telling Sam all this later any road,who's the liar?
You're talking about right at the end, when they were in the kitchen?

I presume John James had said to Josie that he was going to have a 'word' (or five thousand ) with Sam, after he had shouted at him to get out of the bedroom.

Then he told JJ and Dave in the shower, when they started talking about it.

Why does that mean anyone is lying about it?
Reference: stonks
I think thats just nerves Blizz, I laugh at some of the strangest things....
Maybe it was. I just think it's ridiculous that people are blaming Josie for 'forcing' poor Sam to listen to it!

I was seriously shocked when he burst into tears and had been thinking that he was going to use the information to have a bit of fun.

He seemed amused by it and Josie shouldn't be expected to be a mind reader.
I was seriously shocked when he burst into tears
I wasn't shocked... Sam laughed at the begining because he was "Fronting" as some people do, but he felt hurt when he heard JJ1 slagging him off it knocked him off guard, because he always maintained that JJ1 was a straight guy and he liked him for that...Sam was hurt, I'd be too if that were me.
Senora Reyes

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