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The house of love ,my ass .Dave you lying sh*t you have bitched about others in that house ,if not actually having the convo being part of it .
I watched Dave and Crab eyes bitch for an hour ,not shown obviously.
As for Rach she has nothing to say until the pack attack then she lets that big, fat,loud mouth rip.
Why does he need to know?
Why does his opinion matter?
Can you imagine every series of Big Brother - going back 11 years - if housemates went round interrogating each other because they 'needed to know' how genuine other relationships were?
He is not the house judge is he?
Stirring for the sake of stirring gets tedious very quickly.
He'll soon have nowhere to go and will be tripping himself up.
"Give him enough rope and......"
It's all daft if you ask me.
Reference: cologne
Oh for godness sake, after all these weeks you'd expect them to come up with some plausible answer. The fact that neither of them do is suspect. Let's not forget, they are both in their mid 20.
If you've watched the series, you must have grasped the fact that she hasn't got a clue where she stands in the 'relationship'.
Brisket ,the forum was the same when it was Rodrigo and Charlie ,we all said then that Charlie was using Rodrigo.We were right.
Same with Noreen and Siavash/Marcus mag deal ,we were right.
This is no different ,are they using each other for the win ,for mag deals . I think they are.
Sam is asking the question we would love to know the answer to ,She says one thing and Crab eyes says another.
They are in hiding and this in itself makes them look guilty of a fake romance .Tell hin to sod off and be done with it ,but they didn't.
The other night Josie made a comment when they were in bed about it being a money shot....I wonder is that where he got this from,lord knows but she is implying she wouldn't consider it.
erinp - I agree the forum discuss the genuiness of ralationships in the house.
That's all part of the fun.
I still fail to see why Sam feels he "needs" to know.

He is taking our fun away. If he gets a direct answer
Other housemates haven't asked so directly.
Of course he is stirring. I do not believe that he "needs" to know though. (I think he would manage to get through each day whether he knew or not.)
I am already very bored with the obnoxious little confrontational twerp.

Oh I see. He has just said it is because he is a curious person.
Well we all know what happened to curiosity.
I am already very bored with the obnoxious little confrontational twerp.
Nowhere near as bored as I am with the JJJ fake romance, believe me. It has absolutely ruined the HL's. He doesn't 'need' to know he's just asking a straight question. The fact they have both been in knots trying to answer it is an answer in itself.

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