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Josie put Sam on a back foot last night...  when they talked about it (all the stuff Sam has been saying) one to one in the nest, Sam was definitely weedling & worming his way... trying to find an "out".
Ditty, did he say stuff re a mag deal? I didn't see lf, only the link on here from C4 website, so I don't know if it was cut or not
Ditty, did he say stuff re a mag deal? I didn't see lf, only the link on here from C4 website, so I don't know if it was cut or not
I only really watched the discussion between him & Josie late last night in the nest... where they were trying to hammer it all out.    It did appear that he had said that knowing the person she was she would sell her story to the papers when she got out.  He eventually backed down a bit on this and said he should have said "told" her story to the papers as he conceded that she probably wasn't motivated by money.

From what I have seen Sam fires from the hip (with stuff he thinks will get him loved by the viewer)...  but if then when cornered about it he struggled to explain where he was coming from.

I felt that Josie handled it well once she had cooled down...   better than I would have been able to do...  

the comment the OP refers to surprised me.   He did say that.   That he felt JJ was real, but Josie was not.   Josie countered this by saying "but you knew me in lockdown, I was then what I am now...  I am just me"

Sam also said to Josie "John hates me"...  Josie said "no, he doesn't.  he told me I was over reacting... he isn't mad at you"..    Sam seemed a little lost when she said that.
TBH from what I can see there is no love lost with Sam and Josie
That's true Lee, but from what I've seen she was trying and he was just being bleeding horrible to her, calling her v nasty and unpleasant names and being personal about her weight. ...Then when she said something like I like you but,  he said  he just didn't like her
That's true Lee, but from what I've seen she was trying and he was just being bleeding horrible to her, calling her v nasty and unpleasant names and being personal about her weight. ...Then when she said something like I like you but,  he said  he just didn't like her
I know Supes but she later went on to tell others how he was disliked during lock down....IMO she doesn't like him, understandable really,so why not be straight with him instead of hugging him etc .
Maybe she's a forgiving person, who doesn't enjoy arguing. She would rather treat him as an 'annoying little brother', than the hateful trouble maker, he appears to be.
Nah she's still going on and on on LF (in the DR to nominate at the moment) but will no doubt pick up again where she left off.  Bring it on Josie, you lil minx.
Sam defended his remarks about Josie wanting to sell her story to the media as the pair had a frank discussion in the garden tonight.

Explaining what it was that had upset her, Josie began: "It felt like you were saying I were doing it for a publicity stunt, like I was a piece of cheap trash who would sell a story... You made me feel like a prostitute, quite honestly."

"It is not the case at all," she blasted.

"I don't get yours and John James' relationship at all," reasoned the newcomer. "I've asked you both about it to try and get an opinion, but I just don't have one. I'd never think you're in it for the money. I never mentioned money. I didn't say you'd sell your story to a newspaper."

"Then why are you commenting [on their relationship] if you don't have an opinion?" blasted Andrew. "Yeah, why do you need to know so badly Sam?" asked Josie.

"You're ridiculous if you think that you can keep what's happening private," he told her, exasperated. Trying to put the issue to bed, Sam insisted that all he meant was that Josie will enjoy the press attention that her relationship with John James will bring, and not that she is pursuing a fake relationship to generate headlines and sell a story.

"I've said everything I can say about the situation and that's it. I'm going," he concluded, heading into the kitchen to vent his frustrations with Jo and Steve.

However not long after, the pair continued to thrash out their differences in the nest. "You can be the nicest, sweetest person in the world. But you're also a little bitch and I don't like that side... and I don't understand why you want to know about my relationship when I don't even know myself!" said Josie.

"If you need to know that badly I can't tell you Sam, I don't know myself. All I can tell you is that I love him to bits... He doesn't want to start up a relationship in the house, and nor would I."

She continued: "We're just enjoying every day together and then when we get out we'll see what happens... I don't even know if he'll like me on the outside. He's going to get a lot of female attention."

"I think he's genuine. I think if he likes you now he'll like you then," he told her  

(taken from DS) on the live feed after he said he believes JJ to be genuine ha said he was unsure about her(Josie).
Reference: Ducky
All of that makes me like Josie even more. Firstly she can seperate liking the person from disliking their faults. A great character trait to have! Secondly she's being realistic about her and JJ. Just goes to show.... you can suck your thumb and still be a grown up.
Me too.

I actually think this is going to make her more popular.

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