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I find him intensely irritating.
Maybe his role is to be an irritant.
But his technique is already becoming tired.
Too much of his confrontational style is going to become boring quite rapidly.
But it's other aspects of him which rile me so much.
Why does he wear a top hat? Even to go to sleep in one night.
His very camp inflections when he is speaking are annoying.
Even more annoying - all the dropped letter Ts and all the glottal stops.
Joe-John is bad enough, now we have another one at it.
The drone of his voice....
I've had enough of him.

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apart from the fact that he irritates the hell out of me & I don't need house warfare to enjoy a bb... so I don't appreciate this stirring up of stuff...

I could appreciate him a bit more... if he was better at it.   But Sam is a hit & run merchant.  As long as he can run after throwing in his contraversal comments then he's fine... but when pinned down about what he's said he can't argue a sound point.   

He's running around thinking he's dead clever... but these comments he's making are not of his own opinions.. he didn't come to these opinions by himself...  he is saying what he thinks he will get applauded on the outside for saying.

I always hate a hm that goes in and does this.   I wasn't keen on Noirin, but I hated Bea for going in and going for her jugular.   Its going for someone because they know the crowd behind them will approve!
but these comments he's making are not of his own opinions.. he didn't come to these opinions by himself... he is saying what he thinks he will get applauded on the outside for saying.
I think it's even worse than that - I think BB have primed him very well before he went in (the price of entry to the house?)    I agree with everything Brisket has said, I can't bear him, and I don't care who he's winding up - he's irritating in the extreme and I don't find anything entertaining about watching his performance and whatever fall out it causes.  It's way too fabricated for my liking (even for BB)
I think it's even worse than that - I think BB have primed him very well before he went in (the price of entry to the house?)
I keep trying to avoid that thought...  though it does stink of it.

I don't buy or read any newspapers... so I did wonder if some of it had come from whatever they are saying.  

Or he reads forums, or the C4 site...  

or yeah... BB primed him!
[brisket (Ben's Buddy/Mario's Mole)] brisket (Ben's Buddy/Mario's Mole) offline 8,721 Forum Posts Today at 2:00 PM Last Edited: Reference: LL Oi you can pack that agreeing business up right away Sorry LL. It started as an accident. But it can be quite pleasant. I would appreciate it if you watch over me though - just to make sure I don't make a habit of it.
I shall, indeed, be watching you brisket
Isn't it slightly odd that John James has not argued strongly with Sam?
A few weeks ago John James would have been like a dog with a bone relishing every opportunity for an endless argument. Confrontation and argument were his trademarks (who can forget the number of times he clashed with Ben.)
So why is he not pouncing on Sam?
Does he fear he has met his match? Or is it another tactic?
I was thinking the same thing brisket. If anyone has given JJ cause to have a ruck, it is Sam but he has chosen not to say anything but actually defend him to an extent.
All because Sam has knowledge of the 'outside world'. Had Mr. Pepper been a regular hm, JJ would have gone down his own hypocritical annihilate route, a la Ben.  He is only being nice because he fears that Sam could blow open the romance he has cleverly cultivated with Josie. A litle knowledge is a dangerous thing and Sam possesses this knowledge

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