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What ?....Are you actually starting to believe your own hype?....When and if Ben targets weaker Hm's and bullies them,yes bullies,come back then and get on the high horse...Threads that have bog all to do with Ben the apologists drag him in to try and excuse the antics of their chosen  HM....Ben's not perfect,anything but,in the grand scheme of things misogynistic bully JJ is leagues ahead in the unpalatable stakes.
However I get what the OP is saying that Ben fans( and JJ detractors imo) are unbalanced and too vehement in their views
That's harsh....I find it highly irritating  when Ben is dragged into every thread where anyone posts negative comments about other HM's,there are complaints about so many Ben threads yet his detractors drag him into most which are not about him...I'm a perfectly balanced person ty ,I may be vehement about some things especially bullies which imo is exactly what JJ is,a bully and a misogynistic one to boot.
That's harsh....I find it highly irritating  when Ben is dragged into every thread where anyone posts negative comments about other HM's,there are complaints about so many Ben threads yet his detractors drag him into most which are not about him...I'm a perfectly balanced person ty ,I may be vehement about some things especially bullies which imo is exactly what JJ is,a bully and a misogynistic one to boot.
You say thats harsh and then you go on to say really harsh stuff about JJ.Ben does bitch and yet hes funny with it.JJ has anger issues but I dont beieve hes a bully or a misogynist.....hes sound deep down.

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