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So dissapointed in him...I still have a soft spot for him, but to have the "If you can't beat them, join them mentality" is so weak, and shows a lack of strength and character on his part....Not nice!

Steve is mature man? Where is his voice in all of this, why can't he step up and be the voice of reason, and tell those Tw*ts where to get off?

BB has been Monk Dave and JJ1/JJ2's now Sam's Bully's paradise.

Seems Jo was right when she rightly criticised the mentality of what goes on in the house.

Funny how Sam forgets when he was in floods of tears at the hands of Crabeyes..

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Without the LF Senora, I am only going by what I am reading here and the bits on HL show so not really seeing the whole thing.

I am disappointed and angray that some of them have reduced someone to tears, as it is not all Sam's doing, although he seems to be getting the majority of the blame.

I also blame those who are not participating for not stepping in and trying to put a stop to it.
Sam had this planned even before he entered the house. He's not just following the bigger boys!
Ahh life would have been so much easier if Josie had chosen the propose to George Lamb part of her task but she was never going to that was she? I guess she thought it would be so much funnier to wind up JJ1, get others to call him crabeyes, and at no point did she stop and think he would react aggrssively...Nah course she didn't.
Senora Reyes
Reference: Senora
Ahh life would have been so much easier if Josie had chosen the propose to George Lamb part of her task but she was never going to that was she? I guess she thought it would be so much funnier to wind up JJ1, get others to call him crabeyes, and at no point did she stop and think he would react aggrssively...Nah course she didn't.
You think this is all Josie's fault?

Did you watch the interview?
I don't think ALL the blame should be put on to Sam. He's not the only one being an arse today.

But Josie is the only one I have heard speak up against it, so I think it's so unfair for her to receive criticism on this occasion.  I think she has done very well considering she's not the most articulate of speakers and she has had to face a whole house of people not willing to speak up on Corins behalf (Corin excluded of course).
Has Steve ever stepped up when the occasion required it
I've been very disappointed in his lack of willingness to step up.

He made a mild attempt this afternoon when he tried telling the others that JJ1 would have refused to wear the crab suit regardless of whehter Corin did or didn't wear her make up.

My eyes got wide....and I was like "YES go Steve!"

Then it all kinda fizzled out.
Ahh life would have been so much easier if Josie had chosen the propose to George Lamb part of her task but she was never going to that was she? I guess she thought it would be so much funnier to wind up JJ1, get others to call him crabeyes, and at no point did she stop and think he would react aggrssively...Nah course she didn't.
 Not Josie our lovely farmer's girl from Bristol.
cologne 1
Reference Senora Reyes Today at 19:31:
but I just think it's a bit rich people putting all the blame on Sam, when ALL the usual supects were involved in targeting and tormenting Corin..No one's hands are clean in what took place today least of all BB's.
I agree: as with "crispgate", I don't think anyone's coming out of this with much credit...
Eugene's Lair

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