There's some extraordinary orange hair running around on that pitch
Are the Russians the favourites for this game?
There's some extraordinary orange hair running around on that pitch
Are the Russians the favourites for this game?
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
There you go...
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
I only have a bucket
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
I only have a bucket
One for you too Cosi
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
I only have a bucket
Keep it handy, i might need it
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
I only have a bucket
sadly I have the dish to match
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
There you go...
Oh Moonie.... mine has a lot less in it now
I jumped into the thread thinking Russia had declared war on South Korea But soon realised I was wrong.
I have to go to bed soon, but the rest of you enjoy the footy.
S'OK I thought the same. I have an excuse though, I'm still high on codeine infused pain killers.
I have a slight headache
Not sure if it's too much sun or too much tequila
I shall try to keep up .
I can only advise that you practice more
Good plan.... where's the bottle?
I only have a bucket
Keep it handy, i might need it
I never said what it contained though, did I..?
I'm not sure the Russians or S Koreans have quite the charms of Mexico or Brazil to hold my attention.
I'm not sure the Russians or S Koreans have quite the charms of Mexico or Brazil to hold my attention.
I bet it don't end up 0-0 though
I'm not sure the Russians or S Koreans have quite the charms of Mexico or Brazil to hold my attention.
me neither, I have a feeling I will be looking up the scores tomorrow
I'm not sure the Russians or S Koreans have quite the charms of Mexico or Brazil to hold my attention.
I've been thinking the same. Looks like we'll have to hope they can play football
Hmmm, worth a flutter at that price Joe?
I've been thinking the same. Looks like we'll have to hope they can play football
I agree with that Joe...
I don't think Brazil will win, they would have to play much, much better
Evening all it worth watching?
That was close too...
they are dangerous
Evening all it worth watching?
Hi Rog
Moderate thus far...
Evening all it worth watching?
err its okish
Evening all it worth watching?
Put it this way, I'm listening to my ipod - footy's on in the background.
Ta Moonie and Dame ... will wander in between BOTS and this
Evening all it worth watching?
Put it this way, I'm listening to my ipod - footy's on in the background.
Evening all it worth watching?
Put it this way, I'm listening to my ipod - footy's on in the background.
Poo, wee, Mrs Jer interference or drinks refresh?
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