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Been watching the news and reading the press on Russell,s comments on heroin addiction. Certain sections of the press and media have slated him, but i welcome his comments and agree with him that this is a huge issue in this country and has to be addressed. 

I agree with him when he says it is a health issue, although it is not recognised, and there are a few places to help for this addiction, unless one is minted .................

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Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Well he at least can afford his Habit (past or otherwise).It's the young folk in sink hole estates etc that use drugs as a way of numbing themselves to their lives etc that I  feel more sorry for,at least until they mug me..

More to the point he had the money to get clean - not that I'm saying money is all it takes, but he could go into proper rehab, he wasn't just given a script to turn up at Boots for a swig of methadone.  Hopefully he got his point across.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Thought he kent now, to no argue with a menopausal Scottish wummin  


Poor laddie wiznae even arguing..but if he did!    

Dont call me Scary Mary for nowt ! 

Come back Renton......  

Will you wimmin calm ya hormones LOL

Me does like The Brand

But he was seen recently with a pack of Propecia - hmmmm

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I agree with his opinion, but I get a bit fed up with his pseudo accent. Why can't he just drop the bad London boy image? I want to like him because I mostly agree with him on things, but he insists on talking like a 12 year old.



Cologne you've been reading my mind.  That's exactly how I feel.  I agree with him on how addiction needs to be redefined and far more help given to people whose lives have been blighted by it, but I can't be dealing with his smart mouth.


A reasoned and calm argument which isn't really that controversial but without really saying anything except that compassion is needed.  It's a bit more easy for Russell with his detached show biz life to have that compassion than if you've been mugged at knife point by a crack addict (not that I have, but you get the gist) .  However, I'm being a bit "Daily Mail".  Russell has lived the life of an addict so he's not necessarily speaking from an ivory tower or trying to be down with the kids like, say, Branson.


I tend to agree with lots of Russell's points and politics and I like the way he articulates himself. I guess his style grates on many people, but not me.


I love him!!!     I totally love him!



I saw a clip on the telly of this.



I love that when people first see him they make assumptions...   but then when he talks they have to rethink those assumptions because he is unexpectedly (to these people) articulate.


& yeah, he has the money (not tons of it, but enough at the time) to get clean...   and the motivation (his career)..    but that doesn't detract from what an acheivement its been for him to get clean & stay totally clean.


I've heard him talk about it before..    he still misses it..   there is still a voice in his head that still misses the drugs & the drink...   its one hell of an achievement to ignore that voice.  

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I love him!!!     I totally love him!



I saw a clip on the telly of this.



I love that when people first see him they make assumptions...   but then when he talks they have to rethink those assumptions because he is unexpectedly (to these people) articulate.


& yeah, he has the money (not tons of it, but enough at the time) to get clean...   and the motivation (his career)..    but that doesn't detract from what an acheivement its been for him to get clean & stay totally clean.


I've heard him talk about it before..    he still misses it..   there is still a voice in his head that still misses the drugs & the drink...   its one hell of an achievement to ignore that voice.  

I agree, Ditty.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



& yeah, he has the money (not tons of it, but enough at the time) to get clean...   and the motivation (his career)..    but that doesn't detract from what an acheivement its been for him to get clean & stay totally clean.



Hey ditts... I love Russell too... I hope my post didn't read that I thought it was/is easy for him.  I think he's trying to point out that often it takes more than the treatment the NHS is able to provide to get people through it - he was lucky in that he had his agent making sure he got the best help and insisting he took it.   The guys katty's talking about on the sink estates don't have the same help.


He has  - especially on PonderLand - distilled the best qualitiy of Kenneth Williams that unbelievably no one else has chosen to use

Haughty, pompous and self important one moment then suddenly changing his accent and style to make you sympathetic towards him and then putting himself down.

No one else does that today - its a great skill

Only Kenneth Williams used it to be both arrogant and meek


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I love him!!!     I totally love him!



I saw a clip on the telly of this.



I love that when people first see him they make assumptions...   but then when he talks they have to rethink those assumptions because he is unexpectedly (to these people) articulate.


& yeah, he has the money (not tons of it, but enough at the time) to get clean...   and the motivation (his career)..    but that doesn't detract from what an acheivement its been for him to get clean & stay totally clean.


I've heard him talk about it before..    he still misses it..   there is still a voice in his head that still misses the drugs & the drink...   its one hell of an achievement to ignore that voice.  

Good post Ditty   


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