Were entirely incorrect.
I'm home again after another 6 weeks in Ealing Hospital.
Tell me the GGJJ gossip please.
I'll read your gems tomorrow because I'm still on hospital time.
to all my friends here.
Were entirely incorrect.
I'm home again after another 6 weeks in Ealing Hospital.
Tell me the GGJJ gossip please.
I'll read your gems tomorrow because I'm still on hospital time.
to all my friends here.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Aww Xochi you must have been very ill - 6 weeks in hosital !!!
So glad to see you back How are you feeling?
Awwww ....sorry you've been poorly Xochi
But nice to have you back ....and you certainly didn't miss much with BB ....it was total rubbish
hope you're on the mend now Xochi
Xochers! So good to see you! Hope you're properly on the mend.
I'm afraid I don't gossip though... . so someone else will have to fill you in.
BTW... I thought about you the other day - I saw 'you' (your av) in a picture during a episode of Wayward Pines. Useless fact of the day..
Oh blimey! Hope you're on the mend
Sorry to hear that Xochi
I do hope you are on the mend and very nice to see you again.
Welcome back
Want to share?
Have a good kip Xochi, you need it xx
Lovely to 'see' you Xochi - hope things keep on the up for you.
As for BB.....same old, same old, but a bit worse!
sorry to hear you have been poorly and six weeks a long time when they usually throw you out ASAP -hope you are feeling better
Gawd i'm out of touch ,no idea there was anything wrong.Hopefully you feel a lot better now.
Lovely to 'see' you Xochi - hope things keep on the up for you.
As for BB.....same old, same old, but a bit worse!
good thread though but was glad when it finished
Glad to have you back Xochi Hope you're a lot better now.
Great to have you back Xochi!
I hadn't heard the rumour, but welcome back from the dead!
Seriously though, nice to see you back & hope you're feeling better after your prolonged hospital stay.
Fabulous to see you posting here
Hope you are feeling much better now ... take care of yourself x
Good to see you back Xochi, hope you are on the mend.
Welcome back, Xochi!
You may be disappointed with the lack of rumours, but hopefully you'll get a little glow from all the well wishes you read here!
welcome back lovely good to see you
hope you are on the mend xx
sorry youve not been well
the fact that you were in a place called 'Ealing hospital' must have helped
cos thats what they do innit?
sorry youve not been well
the fact that you were in a place called 'Ealing hospital' must have helped
cos thats what they do innit?
I do love you Pirate
Were entirely incorrect.
I'm home again after another 6 weeks in Ealing Hospital.
Tell me the GGJJ gossip please.
I'll read your gems tomorrow because I'm still on hospital time.
to all my friends here.
Thank heavens for that..! I missed you a lot and I'm sorry that you were poorly enough to have to stay in hospital for 6 weeks
Missed the rumours Xochi, but sorry to hear that you've been unwell, hope you're feeling brighter v soon
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