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I was at the opera last night and in the interval, while I queued for drinks at the bar, I felt someone behind me trying to shove in past me.

I resisted the pressure but this person (who turned out to be a very sturdy woman of about 70) kept trying to push in and elbow me aside.

Finally, because the staff were slow at serving people at the side of the bar where I was standing, I got their attention and this old boot started waving her pre-ordered drinks slip around, again trying to shove me out of the way, saying her drinks weren't where she'd ordered them to be.

I told her that was all very well, but I'd got into the queue before her. Then she started grizzling about how she should go first, because she'd "already paid" - while still trying to elbow me aside. I told her a simple "excuse me" might have worked better.

When the barman came up, I ordered my drinks quick as I could. This woman then sneered: "Well, YOU'RE determined", to which I answered: "Well, at least I didn't push anybody."

Punchline is - it turned out her drinks weren't where she thought they'd be, because she was in the WRONG sodding bar and should've been downstairs!
How I laughed as she beat a red-faced retreat... Laugh Laugh

But honestly - what is up with people like that? Confused

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Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Drives me nuts. Pushing me forward isn't going to make them serve any quicker. Take your time. I hate queueing. Hate it. Mad

She thought she should go in front of me, for some cock-eyed reason. Maybe it's because I was wearing a t-shirt and flipflops, instead of a fringed fecking shawl and a blue rinse...
not being ageist but i think some elderly people can very rude

was standing in a queue once and there was a elderly man and he pushed past me and huffed really loudly to get one of those divders for the shopping on the conver belt lol
and another time when this older lady pushed past me to get in front of me because the queue was moving slow .i always say 'and they say we're rude they want to look at the way their attitude is ,it stinks' .they never say anything back though Laugh
Originally posted by **Dolly**:
I resist pushing at all costs - stand firm I say dont let em push you about.

That said havent come across it here in Canada - yet. But I am ready for em if they start.

Sorry Deman - a bit off topic I'm afraid but I've just seen Dolly and wanted to tell her something.

Our friends in Canada used Torrents Dolly to download the BB highlights and BBLB. Not sure what it is exactly but I daresay you can google it.

Hope that helps?
I had a similar experience in Matalan on my lunch hour Yeserday! Nod

I had been looking for my size in some shoes and couldn't find them, as I was queuing up to pay I spotted some hung up near the checkouts. I leaned forward to pick them up and the Woman behind me ran the the till that had just become free (they hadn't eve had time to do the 'go to checkout number 4 announcement either)...I didn't step out of the line, just leaned over!!!!

The old bat wouldn't make eye contact with me, and she had about 15 blimmin I walked past her I tapped her on the shoulder and said "Excuse me, but there is a queue there and I was before you", which she snarled "Well, I don't have time to wait around"!!! Eeker

I swear I was ready to knock the old bats block off, how rude, and she was the type to bang on about manners etc.....

I am fuming thinking about her now!!! Grrrr Ninja
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Perones:
if you know someone's before you and the barmen comes to you before them, refer him to them and more often than not, they'll return the favour, at worst the barman will have noted you.

I always do this at a bar, even if I've been waiting ages and I'm not sure if the guy/girl next to me *was* there before me. The barman/maid comes over and I always say "I believe they're before me" - Believe it or not if they weren't 9/10 times they'll admit to it and I'll get my drinks. Or as you say Perones, if they do serve them then before me, the Barman/maid will always come back to me right after.

But yeah... No offence to older people at all because Lord knows without a whole bunch of them we'd probably be speaking German right now (No offence to Germans either but you know what I mean!) - But, they believe that if they shuffle up behind you in a queue whether you were there first or not... YOU are OBLIGATED to allow them (on the bus, in the shopping line, etc) to go before you!

I'm sorry yes, they're older than me, yes some of them are somewhat frail (and I usually DO let 'em on the bus before me no matter what anyway) But that gives them NO excuse to act like bloody children and huff about it, expecting us to MOVE out of the way for THEM specifically. >_>

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