Anyone see that guy misbehaving in westminster abbey?
What the hell was that all about... it was a verger doing cartwheels
Anyone see that guy misbehaving in westminster abbey?
What the hell was that all about... it was a verger doing cartwheels
Ohhhh, I have just got back from a long walk ... what timing
They are driving from BP to Clarence House - and Kate's still wearing her wedding dress.
Aww, that's a bit of fun isn't it?
Fantastic, driving himself and his new bride to Clarence House....
Aww, that's a bit of fun isn't it?
Did you see the number plate?
Feel sorry for Ma & Pa Middleton hosting a party but without their daughter.
Doesn't seem right somehow.
They are driving from BP to Clarence House - and Kate's still wearing her wedding dress.
Just Wed on the number plate.
Aww, that's a bit of fun isn't it?
Did you see the number plate?
Yep. Apparently Harry's doing.
Aww, that's a bit of fun isn't it?
Did you see the number plate?
Yep. Apparently Harry's doing.
I love that boy, he's such a character.
Awwwwww how nice - they can kick their shoes off and relax in the comfort of their own appartment - lovely
There's a lot of love around in the crowd that gathered. I don't think I've seen such warmth since the days of Princess Diana. Its been a real wedding not just a pomp and ceremony state occasion hasn't it?
Loved the fact that William drove Kate Catherine in an Aston Martin .
Also meant to say earlier I also loved the fact that Lady Louise (Edward's daughter) was part of the Wedding party as she's pretty much been kept out of the public eye due to having exotropia it's nice to see that William and Catherine chose her.
I'm sure Edward and Sophie are keeping her out of the public to protect her from possible ridicule but I'm glad she's been part of a special day and not 'locked away' if you know what I mean because she has a disability
Lovely montage re-cap to finish off on Itv.
Yes Squiggle, it felt like a wedding first.....protocol etc 2nd.
Lovely, lovely wedding.....Pomp and Ceremony but human too......and great company whilst watching......
Lovely montage re-cap to finish off on Itv.
Yes Squiggle, it felt like a wedding first.....protocol etc 2nd.
BBC was good too......Andy Williams singing Happy Heart
Cheers folks - it's been great fun
Lovely montage re-cap to finish off on Itv.
Yes Squiggle, it felt like a wedding first.....protocol etc 2nd.
BBC was good too......Andy Williams singing Happy Heart
I loved that sprooooty
Lovely montage re-cap to finish off on Itv.
Yes Squiggle, it felt like a wedding first.....protocol etc 2nd.
Lovely, lovely wedding.....Pomp and Ceremony but human too......and great company whilst watching......
magical from start to finish
catch up for anyone that hasnt seen or wants to savour it again
With the royal wedding reception in full swing,
BBC was good too......Andy Williams singing Happy Heart
I liked that too - sang along with him
Lovely montage re-cap to finish off on Itv.
Yes Squiggle, it felt like a wedding first.....protocol etc 2nd.
BBC was good too......Andy Williams singing Happy Heart
I love that song and I missed it!
Darn it. Couldn't trust the Cotton/Bowman possibility sadly..
Allthough I don't mind them, Cotton did calm down eventualy and Bowman was well, Bowman
The fella doing cartwheels and the car was fab!!
I loved everything about the wedding makes your heart swell watching the crowds and all the love and support they were given on their big day ..wish them all the happiness in the world
I've loved it... every bit of it!
All my lot sat & watched it all (even the boys)... and even my miserable, grumpy, anti royalist daughter enjoyed it... she even felt a sense of patriotic pride!
its accomplished the impossible
Aww, that's a bit of fun isn't it?
BRILLIANT in all its tackiness.... if Harry didn't have something to do with that then I'll eat my fascinator......the perfect wedding
I loved everything about the wedding makes your heart swell watching the crowds and all the love and support they were given on their big day ..wish them all the happiness in the world
Absolutely Marge They seem a v v happy couple who are v much in love....warms the cockles of my heart
I nipped down to my sister's during the 'interval'.... saw the car ride there and the recap.... then nipped to the shops where general consensus was pretty much how I felt... people watched firstly 'just because' and ended up getting really swept into it and loving it. I heard somewhere that Piers Morgan has tweeted 'the monarchy is back' (or words to that effect) Got to say it feels that way tonight.
its accomplished the impossible
I reckon so Ditty, a kinda strange, weird and wonderful combo of the nation's love for his Mum and therefore him, a relatively 'ordinary' girl, a couple in love, a sense of formality and good taste combined with a sense of fun and joy...If Carlsberg did PR exercises for the Royals....well, even they couldn't have done it that well
people watched firstly 'just because' and ended up getting really swept into it and loving it.
Kaffy, I changed my vote on Rawky's thread
Afternoon xxxxx
Been watching since about 9am after walking the dog for miles in the hope he would sleep through the wedding....he didn't!!!
It was a fabulous wedding and Kate looked incredible. I must admit that I may have shed a tear or two during it all, they seem so happy and so normal together.
I won the bet in our house as to the colour of The Queen's outfit...go me!!!!!
Have enjoyed every minute of the day so far and will continue watching for a fair while yet as MrB has dozed off now!!!
Going to have a read back now!!!!
I didn't know Bryn was past his confinement stage!
Cooool! He must have loved the walk!
Lovely montage re-cap to finish off on Itv.
Yes Squiggle, it felt like a wedding first.....protocol etc 2nd.
Lovely, lovely wedding.....Pomp and Ceremony but human too......and great company whilst watching......
magical from start to finish
catch up for anyone that hasnt seen or wants to savour it again
With the royal wedding reception in full swing,
I have had a truly wretched day today and missed all of this .
So I will watch all the good bits tonight and probably come and bore you all again on here with it.
magical from start to finish
catch up for anyone that hasnt seen or wants to savour it again
With the royal wedding reception in full swing,
I have had a truly wretched day today and missed all of this .
So I will watch all the good bits tonight and probably come and bore you all again on here with it.
Issy - it was for you I really posted - didnt know if anyone else wanted more like me though as well enjoy it with a glass of something
I've loved it... every bit of it!
All my lot sat & watched it all (even the boys)... and even my miserable, grumpy, anti royalist daughter enjoyed it... she even felt a sense of patriotic pride!
its accomplished the impossible
didnt convince my guys Ditty but all was well - one was at work and the other chewed the lawn over a few times to keep outta the way
I've loved it... every bit of it!
All my lot sat & watched it all (even the boys)... and even my miserable, grumpy, anti royalist daughter enjoyed it... she even felt a sense of patriotic pride!
its accomplished the impossible
didnt convince my guys Ditty but all was well - one was at work and the other chewed the lawn over a few times to keep outta the way
hahahaha..... guess even the royal wedding was preferable to doing the lawn in this house
I didn't see all of it, but I saw most of it and thought it was good.
There were some excellent pictures, but I'm afraid the commentaries and interviews were not very good.
ahem scuse me pwees, wots a fascinator?
ahem scuse me pwees, wots a fascinator?
Not a hat but a head decoration is the best way to describe it Abo, I think
We've got a live one here....
The Aston Martin was a brilliant touch
ahem scuse me pwees, wots a fascinator?
Not a hat but a head decoration is the best way to describe it Abo, I think
it's a bit like a alice head band with lots of feathers or flowers or other odd stuff stuck on they seem to be a popular thing to wear to weddings these days.
Hello everyone
I was glued to the telly all day today - I loved it all
It just went really smoothly didn't it?
Kate's dress was not what I expected at all - it was nice but I think her sister looked a million times better.
I'm still watching all the highlights incase I missed something
The Aston Martin was a brilliant touch
Didn't it used to be silver.
Yes fully restored DB 6 Volante at what...ÂĢ500k...nice 21st Birthday present.
I'm still clapping.
The Aston Martin was a brilliant touch
Hi Liver I missed that bit - hoping they show it on the highlights
ahem scuse me pwees, wots a fascinator?
Not a hat but a head decoration is the best way to describe it Abo, I think
ahem scuse me pwees, wots a fascinator?
Not a hat but a head decoration is the best way to describe it Abo, I think
it's a bit like a alice head band with lots of feathers or flowers or other odd stuff stuck on they seem to be a popular thing to wear to weddings these days.
thanks - don't know what an alice head band is either but I get the general gist, I think
I've only ever been to one street party and that was for the Queens Silver Jubilee, we lived in Police houses (not because we were a bad family, but because my Dad was a Policeman). Anyway, all of the Police wives had organised this street party and the Mayor of Durham was coming too. The morning of the party all the wives were beavering around getting the last touches ready, including icing the cake!
Just before the Mayor arrived the wives went to bring the finishing touches out, and my Mother, yes my Mother, sat on the cake!! Now I know where I get my ditzy blonde clumsiness from (even though Mother isn't blonde)
thanks - don't know what an alice head band is either but I get the general gist, I think
Google them Abo. I don't think I can post pics since going back on IE
I've only ever been to one street party and that was for the Queens Silver Jubilee, we lived in Police houses (not because we were a bad family, but because my Dad was a Policeman). Anyway, all of the Police wives had organised this street party and the Mayor of Durham was coming too. The morning of the party all the wives were beavering around getting the last touches ready, including icing the cake!
Just before the Mayor arrived the wives went to bring the finishing touches out, and my Mother, yes my Mother, sat on the cake!! Now I know where I get my ditzy blonde clumsiness from (even though Mother isn't blonde)
thanks - don't know what an alice head band is either but I get the general gist, I think
Alice had band
Oooo, I've just seen her dress for her night time do. That's lovely too White again
Oooo, I've just seen her dress for her night time do. That's lovely too White again
It's lovely isn't it Sproooot - love the sparkly waistband
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
Oooo, I've just seen her dress for her night time do. That's lovely too White again
Was lovely wasn't it?
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
yeah... they are not the most comfortable of things to wear... but you know what they say Yogi... beauty is pain!
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
yeah... they are not the most comfortable of things to wear... but you know what they say Yogi... beauty is pain!
I must have looked blooming gorgeous then 'cos it hurt like mad.
Oooo, I've just seen her dress for her night time do. That's lovely too White again
It's lovely isn't it Sproooot - love the sparkly waistband
I am glad I am recording this - lots of little bits being shown that went unnoticed this morning
the box pleated bridesmaids dresses were beautiful - never got to see them properly earlier
We are watching the highlights..
Do you know what? The church wedding ceremony is souless. I mean any church wedding -not theirs.
The abbey looked beautiful - my first time seeing it. The singing, the atmosphere spot on.
The ceremony - not so much...( I mean the talking bit)
What could they have done to spruce it up though Issy? It's personal to them I guess and there's protocol I suppose
What could they have done to spruce it up though Issy? It's personal to them I guess and there's protocol I suppose
NOOO Pam - I mean the church of England book of common prayer wedding ceremony - that is the same for anyone getting married in church. It is just a bit drab if you see what I mean.
Most of the vows were the same as his parent's wedding - perhaps he had his Mum in mind.
Although we know now that the vows probably meant nothing Charles and Di back in 1981.
Ah, I get you. Overall you mean?
Ah, I get you. Overall you mean?
Yes - not the bits they chose - just the set words...
Most of the vows were the same as his parent's wedding - perhaps he had his Mum in mind.
Although we know now that the vows probably meant nothing Charles and Di back in 1981.
Well she said there was always three in that marriage and as I said earlir in the thread, that marriage was all about sons and heirs and then she could sod off
Wasn't Qeeenie supposed to have said at one time, there's forces at work here?
So you can't actually change the words then? I didn't know this.
So you can't actually change the words then? I didn't know this.
I don't think you can.In a civil ceremony, as long as you say the contractual vows, you can pretty much write your own.
But in the Church I don't think you can?
I thought it was more or less the same in that... both civil & church weddings have bits that have to be said... (they are different though)... then you can have stuff you want to say also.
the mandatory bits are the legal bits whether its church or civil.
But in the Church I don't think you can?
Well I'm not sure - I'm not religious and got married in a registry office.
Actually when I was watching the ceremony I wondered just how religious William and Kate are.
I know a lot of people who get married in church but don't normally set foot in it - I find that bizarre.
We are watching the highlights..
Do you know what? The church wedding ceremony is souless. I mean any church wedding -not theirs.
The abbey looked beautiful - my first time seeing it. The singing, the atmosphere spot on.
The ceremony - not so much...( I mean the talking bit)
To me the words meant everything, not all of them, but some.....
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
I have several fascinators I'm only 5'2" I look ridiculous in a hat THANK GOD FOR FACINATORS!
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
I have several fascinators I'm only 5'2" I look ridiculous in a hat THANK GOD FOR FACINATORS!
I'm only 5' 2" as well, Soozy.
I tend to suit most hats - my dad says I have a "hat head", whatever that is.
you don't get "hat hair" with a fascinator!
Do you know what? William is a fine young man - he will be a great King.
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
I have several fascinators I'm only 5'2" I look ridiculous in a hat THANK GOD FOR FACINATORS!
I'm only 5' 2" as well, Soozy.
I tend to suit most hats - my dad says I have a "hat head", whatever that is.
Do you know what? William is a fine young man - he will be a great King.
Do you know what? William is a fine young man - he will be a great King.
Yeah, I reckon so I think it's to do with compassion....something his mother has taught him obviously
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
I have several fascinators I'm only 5'2" I look ridiculous in a hat THANK GOD FOR FACINATORS!
I'm only 5' 2" as well, Soozy.
I tend to suit most hats - my dad says I have a "hat head", whatever that is.
I really and truly have never found a hat to suit me.
Do you know what? William is a fine young man - he will be a great King.
Yeah, I reckon so I think it's to do with compassion....something his mother has taught him obviously
He has the knack of knowing how to do the right thing and has that common touch. But at the same time he is aware of royal protocol.
you don't get "hat hair" with a fascinator!
But you get a nippin' heid.
(Translates as sore head).
silly harpist woman on BBC promoting herself.
silly harpist woman on BBC promoting herself.
I was wondering who she is ... I've just got in from a bit of a celebration
I love fascinators ... well some fascinators.... fascinators with feathers
I wore one for my eldest son's wedding. I couldn't wait to get the thing off.
When next son gets wed, I'm opting for a hat.
I have several fascinators I'm only 5'2" I look ridiculous in a hat THANK GOD FOR FACINATORS!
I'm only 5' 2" as well, Soozy.
I tend to suit most hats - my dad says I have a "hat head", whatever that is.
I really and truly have never found a hat to suit me.
Never mind Soozy, you can stick with the fascinators.
you don't get "hat hair" with a fascinator!
But you get a nippin' heid.
(Translates as sore head).
There goes that accent again! You and Scotty and Miss S and anyone else that I haven't seen I love it!
silly harpist woman on BBC promoting herself.
I was wondering who she is ... I've just got in from a bit of a celebration
Hope you had a good time
you don't get "hat hair" with a fascinator!
But you get a nippin' heid.
(Translates as sore head).
There goes that accent again! You and Scotty and Miss S and anyone else that I haven't seen I love it!
The view from that old bomber plane was brilliant.
And Kate said "perfect formation" when the jets flew over.
I'm loving re-watching the highlights; catching things I missed first time around.
PS. I'm a no hat person - and even less of a fascinator one.
Hope you had a good time
uh huh
Nice choice of song on BBC highlights
What a great choice of song on the BBC montage!
Snap Pam!
The view from that old bomber plane was brilliant.
And Kate said "perfect formation" when the jets flew over.
I'm loving re-watching the highlights; catching things I missed first time around.
PS. I'm a no hat person - and even less of a fascinator one.
What about a clasp or a kirby grip?
Snap Pam!
I'm looking forward to the comments in tomorrow's papers re Bea and Eug's choice of attire
What a great choice of song on the BBC montage!
I had to turn it over Soozy... I can't listen to that song. One of my son's classmates who died from from Muscular Dystrophy (aged 10) chose it for her funeral... it still makes me cry!
(I suppose i could have watched it with the sound down.... I have only just thought of that... but I panicked & told Mr D to turn it over)
Ok... this post is a bit mood hoovery... no sad smilies or anything required... just saying (besides... the little girl that died would not be happy about sad faces... she banned sad faces from her funeral)
Do you know what? William is a fine young man - he will be a great King.
Yeah, I reckon so I think it's to do with compassion....something his mother has taught him obviously
He has the knack of knowing how to do the right thing and has that common touch. But at the same time he is aware of royal protocol.
Hmm, forgive my cynicism!
Prince Charles was presented like that back in the day. He could break dance and liked the Three Degrees! He was down with discotheque set and went jogging on Bondi Beach. He was caring and sharing and talked to his plants. He even presented kid's story show, Jackanory. Diana apparently advised him to wear single breasted suits, not like the stuffy old generation of royals. What a nice bloke!
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