Baby P's stepfather has been 'punished' by other lags in prison. Apparently he had boiling water poured over him, plus they added sugar to it so that it would stick to his skin for maximum damage
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Let's hope it happens a few more times. It still won't come close to the pain Baby P suffered.
Deserves him right...
Pouring boiling water over someone is a terrible thing to do, but in this instance, I feel no sympathy whatsoever for the "victim".
It would be very hard for anyome to feel sympathy for that horrible specimen
I am surprised he wasn't "on protection" to prevent something like this happening - unless it was the other prisoners on protection who did it to him.
They'll always find a way, even the old lags detest this sort of low-life
They'll always find a way, even the old lags detest this sort of low-life
Yes, I think most human beings, including the criminal fraternity, found this crime to be particularly horrific.Reference:
I am surprised he wasn't "on protection" to prevent something like this happening - unless it was the other prisoners on protection who did it to him.
It's been known for the screws to occasionally let the other con's in to give the 'nonces' (as they are known) a bit of a going over.
Good enough for the rancid fecker....
Former Member
Oh dearie me. I do hope the chap wasn't left writhing in agony and screaming at the top of his lungs for mercy for too long, before help arrived!
much as i deplore sickening violence that leaves a person maimed and traumatised, i am having difficulty in feeling compassionate on this occasion.
I see we are all in agreement that this pice of scum deserved everything he got
Former Member
Don't agree with prison thuggery. I mean who dishes it out to the thugs? The swines.
Reference: velvet
Don't agree with prison thuggery.
I`m with you velvet.
Former Member
Well I agree but..............
Oh dear what a shame.
much as i deplore sickening violence that leaves a person maimed and traumatised
I can understand that, but sometimes, where someone is repeatedly abused or attacked, particlularly in a case as sickening as this, and the perpatrator/s have had an opportunity to cease their behaviour but they have decided not to, I can fully appreciate why some would feel the need to go to such lengths.I'd be quite happy to know that those responsible for the treatment of baby P will pay for their behaviour by way of mental and physical torture for the rest of their living days. Death would be too lenient.
It's been known for the screws to occasionally let the other con's in to give the 'nonces' (as they are known) a bit of a going over.
My Oh were talking about this earlier....he has been 'inside' in his younger days for fighting and stuff, and he said exactly the same.he told me there were a couple of 'screws' on their wing who wouldn't actually tell you what someone had done, but would call a few of them down to the office for a talking to, and whilst they were there, they would leave an inmates file accidentally open on the desk....or whisper to them 'bad man'...they would instantly know that these men were the Child Abusers.....
While I don't condone violence (and my OH knows that), i have NO sympathy for anybody who's messed with Children and don't care if they have to live in misery for the rest of their meaningless lives...
he told me there were a couple of 'screws' on their wing who wouldn't actually tell you what someone had done, but would call a few of them down to the office for a talking to, and whilst they were there, they would leave an inmates file accidentally open on the desk....or whisper to them 'bad man'...they would instantly know that these men were the Child Abusers.....
And turn a blind eye when they're out on exercise or accidentally leave the nonces wing unlocked. It's usually CAT A and B's or the lifers who are given this kind of opportunity, due to the fact they have been classified the most dangerous and will have no remorse. I've been told pretty much the same goes on in women's prisons too. I just know that as a mother when I read what these sick bastards have done to kids, I immediately think of my own at that age and it makes my blood boil with rage.
And turn a blind eye when they're out on exercise or accidentally leave the nonces wing unlocked. It's usually CAT A and B's or the lifers who are given this kind of opportunity, due to the fact they have been classified the most dangerous and will have no remorse. I've been told pretty much the same goes on in women's prisons too.
He said the same He also said that Womens Prisons are far, far much worse than Mens.....even as far as to say he would've been terrified to go to a Womens prison......years ago, I had a V.O to visit a friend of mine in Strangeways, i got off the train at victoria and headed over to the was a lovely day, April the my shock all the inmates were on the roof...i thought they were out it was the kick off of the Strangeways riot.
I was only about 16/ 17 at the time (20 years ago this year i think). My friend who I was visiting told me that the first thing that happened after it kicked off is that all the inmates went straight for the nonces....tough.... he also said they cried like blubbering babies....i still feel no symapathy...
Whenever this sort of thing happens, and it happens a lot, you rarely hear what the other guy did. But these high visibility prisoners tend to be in a segregated wing, so it's likely the other guy was 'only' a rapist or kidnapper or whatever.
Rapists are held in the same regard and given the same treatment Marcus. One thing you cant go to jail for and live an easy life is rape.
Yes, but many rapists see themselves above child killers. Tis the way of the sick mind.
I know they do, or they are in denial about being rapists in the first place.
I see we are all in agreement that this pice of scum deserved everything he got
You are wrong. He was, is and always will be human. We can't forget that. He is human in that he deserves to be dealt with with justice, not by caveman primitives baying for blood. He is a human in that he is the same species as us. A reminder that we are all capable of horrific acts.One of the fundamental things that elevates us as a species is the sense and application of justice, rather than bestial revenge. That is what people here are allowing themselves to be corrupted by. He causes a horrific act and is condemned for it. He is then a victim of a horrific act and people are happy, cheering, baying for blood. Where is the sense? Two wrongs do not make a right.
We like to think of ourselves as enlightened, as intelligent and yet there are still a large proportion of us who would deny a person a second chance. Who would gladly support and watch people being tortured, killed, and raped. People who think that revenge = justice. People who are so emotionally affected by everything, that they allow those emotions to rule them, rather than applying logic and reason.
Former Member
Is he really human, along with those of his ilk?
Would you do the same to an animal ?
Former Member
No, good point, but do animals act in the same way
Yes !
Former Member
Well I don't feel any sympathy for him in the least, and I couldn't care less if he gets more of the same on a regular basis.
Former Member
I guess it can be argued that that's nature...........him and others have got a choice and should know what's right and wrong
I guess it can be argued that that's nature...........him and others have got a choice and should know what's right and wrong
A cat has a choice when it corners it's pray, it can go in for the kill, or sit back and play with the pray.
Unlike a dog when it does something wrong (as far as I am aware), a cat will act on animal instincts and does not know the difference when it comes to right and wrong.
A dog however, can be trained, for instance, say you come home and your pet dog has taken something from the fridge and left a terrible mess, it will instantly look sheepish and cower away from you, why ? because that dog has been taught whats right and wrong, the dog however makes that choice to eat what it can or chew what it wants.
It does not think of the consequences !
Former Member
Who left the fridge door open anyway though and put temptation in it's way? Social Services again I hope if I'm ever in any trouble, I don't need them!
great point, even though dogs are able to open fridge doors themselves.
My main point of issue is the social services because the difference is he'll be treated with care and tenderness and his wounds treated so he'll recover in relative comfort, unlike Baby P, who not only sustained injuries but had to suffer them endlessly as no one cared to take the pain away.
My main point of issue is the social services because the difference is he'll be treated with care and tenderness and his wounds treated so he'll recover in relative comfort, unlike Baby P, who not only sustained injuries but had to suffer them endlessly as no one cared to take the pain away.
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