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Originally Posted by sparkles:

I was just answering the O.P.s post, like everyone on here.  


I know you were Sparkles


I know lots of people hate bad spelling/grammar, and of course talking about it in general is fine. Unfortunately you don't always need to name names to recognise the FM in question.....we're a very small forum, so there isn't really any anonymity here. I don't think anyone was offended by your post.... just maybe concerned for the feelings of someone they consider a friend.


Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by nuts:

I don't use em. I think I've used them twice since they came into operation 

Very wise , they arent good for the old blood pressure!

I hate the way these things 'talk' to you in that way that sounds almost smug.  I have to admit that, as I've been struggling to cram stuff in bags;  scan in the next item whilst at the same time trying to find out what was so 'unexpected' about the previous item, I have resorted to answering the machine back - sometimes using expletives - and have managed to draw anxious glances from my fellow shoppers who probably thought they were in the presence of a lunatic


(I think the shop staff hate the things almost as much as we do)

Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I always forgive peoples spelling mistakes, because they may be like me and through no fault of their own forgotten or get jumbled....

I have attained a degree in getting jumbled,I blame this keyboard. must have got yours the same place I got has nothing to do with me wearing the letters off it with over use....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by stonks:

I always forgive peoples spelling mistakes, because they may be like me and through no fault of their own forgotten or get jumbled....

I have attained a degree in getting jumbled,I blame this keyboard. must have got yours the same place I got has nothing to do with me wearing the letters off it with over use....

I have a latex cover on my keyboard  it's kept the appearance like new,it's just a contrary thing,tries to show me who's boss,I type one thing it shows another,all mind games so I let it win.

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



17th March in England


My birthday?   

St Patrick's day,double excuse to get legless  celebrate 

and the anniversary of mine and hubby's first date ... 25 years this year

and my sisters birthday

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



17th March in England


My birthday?   

St Patrick's day,double excuse to get legless  celebrate 

and the anniversary of mine and hubby's first date ... 25 years this year

Aww Rexi,good reason to celebrate.Mr C and I met on an Easter Monday,I knew his family,his sisters,he knew me and according to him had me in his sights for a long time.He left me home that night and  the rest is history.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

weather girls!!


(I have an irrational dislike of them)


oh &


Bill Turnbull & Sian Lloyd! 




Food Tech Teachers

I was  just thinking the other day, the weather girls seem to look a mess these days, crumpled and scruffy...


 just an observation.

to be fair...  there is the odd one that doesn't make me feel all angry.   It all started with Becky Mantin..    she was just so bloody smug!! 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



Food Tech Teachers


I've had a bad run of them Sooz 


I did GCE Home Economics (as it was called then)... and though the teacher was techinically able.. she hated me with a passion & made my life a misery for 2 years.


Then...  my daughters Food Tech teacher...  total nightmare, with questionable food tech skills and even more questionable lesson plans (i.e. what they taught them..    SMARTIES PIZZA's!!!!  but none of the basics i.e. roux sauces etc).


& Now...  my son's Food Tech teacher.    This one is the worst yet.   She is shouty & a bully.    There have been a lot of complaints apparently (we found this out when we complained).   Her lesson plans are so bad that not one of the kids has ever actually taken home a completed recipe..  we get half prepared stuff back again, in other words, total waste of ingredients).    Second to last time we were given an ingredient list... we dutifully sent it (including the 2 tablespoon of veg oil...   that we have to find a way of transporting to school), and the specified size of oven proof dish (we had to buy one specially)..    and the teacher was in a meeting!   Total waste of money!      Last week we got another ingredient list home...  I did actually buy all the stuff, though husband said we shouldn't, but come the day my boy was freaking out...  he didn't want to do it, and I thought at one point I was gonna have to ring hubby to come back & help me manhandle him into the car to get him to school.   Anyways, when I found out what it was all about, I wrote him an excuse from practical note, & spoke to his form tutor.   It turned out ok..  cos out of a class of 20, only 4 kids took their ingredients in...  the other 16 set of parents had not sent them out of protest to the circus these classes are.



That was only a mini rant btw...   I could go on & on & on & on.


(I am not keen on IT Teachers either ... especially the ones that insist that they use pen & paper in lessons & not computers )

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I should just add...   both my kids can cook.    daughter just cooked a roast beef dinner for us all today...   and the boy is just starting out, but is eager to learn in the kitchen.    I have already taught him how to do spag bol & apple crumble...   both of which he makes.


I have also taught them both how to do a roux sauce 

That's the thing though Ditty - food tech is not about cooking . It is about deconstructing recipes and then trying things out.,

It is the biggest waste of time ever. My youngest spent a whole term learning new and exciting ways with bread dough.


I taught them how to cook and yes they can both make roux sauces.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

weather girls!!


(I have an irrational dislike of them)


oh &


Bill Turnbull & Sian Lloyd! 




Food Tech Teachers

I was  just thinking the other day, the weather girls seem to look a mess these days, crumpled and scruffy...


 just an observation.

Mr stonks recons they always have colds....


yep... daughter spent a whole term on bread dough as well..    (Skittles bread!!! SKITTLES!!!)


but at least she did return with finished results...     son's food tech lessons are an absolute joke, made worse by a really really horrible teacher who just spends the whole lesson screaming at the kids.


we've just had their GCSE options meeting...   all the Year 9 parents in a hall and when the deputy head read Food Tech from a list of options there was an audible "pfft" from numerous parents in the hall (me included) 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Skittles bread? Bread with skittles in?


I've read that wrong, haven't I?


Good grief..!  And then I looked at the DM headlines and saw this:



A free school meals for all system is being trialled in Lincolnshire after a child's Smartie sandwich prompted calls for an overhaul in pupils' diets. Teachers at the child's school were said to be appalled when the chocolate filled butty emerged from the youngsters packed lunch, sparking a closer look at their eating habits...


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