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i'd put Virgin media's  help centre in  room 101.


 when i say help centre i mean the frustration centre and the very polite  ladies that work there,  and no matter what you say  your problem is, they keep asking, very politely, what you need as an upgrade to your services,even if you are trying to cancel your service, query an invoice or change your address, it's so frustrating because nothing you say has any affect, they remain polite  with a helpful tone and ignore  everything relevant to your enquiry.

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

.. and sarah millican... how annoying is that bloomin' voice

i love  sarah millican.


 funny lady.

i truly couldn't tell you if she amuses me or not.    her voice is like nails down a blackboard to me... i think my ears distort her words and I can't remember a thing she says

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

i'd put Virgin media's  help centre in  room 101.


 when i say help centre i mean the frustration centre and the very polite  ladies that work there,  and no matter what you say  your problem is, they keep asking, very politely, what you need as an upgrade to your services,even if you are trying to cancel your service, query an invoice or change your address, it's so frustrating because nothing you say has any affect, they remain polite  with a helpful tone and ignore  everything relevant to your enquiry.

Best one is if you ring to report a fault,I've had to use a mobile as land line and broadband are down.they suggest you go to Virgin media online and see if you can find a solution to the problem there.


People who raise the tone of their voice at the end of each sentence thereby making it sound like they are asking a question or are not sure of what they're saying.  (I think it's called 'Upspeak', but whatever it's called it's bloody annoying)


People who barge their way onto trains before the people who are trying to disembark have time to get off


Americanisms (except when used by Americans, I hasten to add).  Why does everyone write 'ass' now?  What's wrong with 'arse'?

Originally Posted by jacksonb:

i'd put Virgin media's  help centre in  room 101.


 when i say help centre i mean the frustration centre and the very polite  ladies that work there,  and no matter what you say  your problem is, they keep asking, very politely, what you need as an upgrade to your services,even if you are trying to cancel your service, query an invoice or change your address, it's so frustrating because nothing you say has any affect, they remain polite  with a helpful tone and ignore  everything relevant to your enquiry.


I have been a Virginmedia customer for years in fact I was with Blueyonder before virgin took them over. I have to say that in all my dealings with them, i have had a pretty decent service. The only time I had a problem was when I was speaking to someone who I could not understand, but cured that by re-dialling with a cunning twist.


Now if you want bad customer service then I would put BT into Room 101.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Self-service tills in supermarkets.  You know the ones - 'Unexpected item in the baggage area'.  How can it be 'unexpected' - that's where you're supposed to place the stuff, isn't it?  Perhaps you are supposed to give it some sort of advanced warning.  Either that or await an invitation to be sent to you.  'Sainsbury's  Self-Service till in (insert name of town here) formally requests the pleasure of your shopping on (insert date and time here).  Shopping will only be processed on receipt of this invitation


By the time the assistant has been summoned and has fannied about sorting out the problem it would have been quicker to have joined the end of the queue for the normal tills in the first place (which is what I do now).

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

.. and sarah millican... how annoying is that bloomin' voice

                 I like her too 

i don't know if i like her..... i can't get past the whining noise that comes out of her mouth to actually hear what she's saying.

Can't take to her; the voice, the same sort of gags all the time, the corny delivery, etc., etc.

cologne 1
  • Eggs   the spawn of Satan 
  • self-service tills   and the assistants in Sainsbury's screaming at you to use them even when you don't want to
  • petplan vet insurance 
  • selfish able bodied people ignoring frail elderly or mobility impaired people on buses making them stand while they pretend they can't see them.  stick them in, stick them in 
  • buggy users who insist on blocking the aisles on buses. 
  • spots - I've got a mahooooooosive one on my chin 
  • Western Power Distribution who deliberately make reconnecting homes to their electricity supply a long drawn out job to claim extra bank holiday pay and then refuse to pay up for spoilt frozen goods 

Brace yourselves, because this is a seriously long post.  SOOOOOO many things piss me off.  I spent half an hour typing this lot on word LOL!


Some may agree with some of what I say and some may not... But I'm just putting the things that *I* would like to put in Room 101!


So here goes.......



Young mums walking along with pushchairs: continually texting whilst COMPLETELY ignoring their child/children.


People who hang around in big gangs of 6 or 7 or more, who feel the need to be loud and intimidating, when they are total wimps without their ‘homies’ around them


Huge families who are really loud and obnoxious, and who cause noise nuisance and think they can get away with doing what they want because there’s dozens of them.


People who hate Christmas and try to make you feel guilty for enjoying it (because there are some people who don’t enjoy it for ‘personal reasons’ that they may not want to discuss.)  It doesn’t work – I still enjoy it and ignore the Christmas haters. 


The continual stream of payday loan ads, personal injury ads, and SALE ads!  Do they ever end?!


That hideous ad for Weight watchers with Alicia Dixon, where the uber annoying women burst into song and sound uncannily like Alicia Dixon.  Was there ever a cornier ad?!


Music snobs.  Shop/Store snobs.  Food snobs. 


People who look down their nose at you if you don’t engage in the same lifestyle/lifestyle choices as them.


People who grab me in my town centre to try and make me join ‘lovefilm’ or ‘sky’ or the RAC, or try to get me to sign up for their charity; when I know that they get about ÂĢ60 for each person they sign up!  If you’re so passionate about the charity; try and get people to sign up without being paid for doing it! 


People who serve me in a store and try to push a storecard on me, despite me saying ‘I don’t want one: ‘ they still insist it’s my loss and there’s no reason to not have one as I ‘don’t have to use it.’  (Work that one out!)  I don’t do credit or loans.  If I ain’t got the money then I don’t have it!  End of.


The silly bints at the checkouts who see about 75 items in your trolley and ask ‘do you need some bags?'  NO!  I am going to put a trolley full of shopping in my 2 coat pockets!  (Sometimes I remember my own, sometimes I don't: so shoot me!)


Pete Burns (Vile creature in EVERY way.)


People who put their 12 month old baby/toddler on the phone to ‘speak’ to you.  I don’t know – or care – what the kid is saying. 


People who continually spell SIMPLE words incorrectly.  When you say 'I want to go home', it’s not a double O in TO!  DON’T say I want too go home.  Someone on here does this a lot and it’s often in thread titles and it makes me want to scream!  (Even when I typed that bolded sentence, the spellcheck/grammar check highlighted it as incorrect!)   Another spelling faux pas is people putting I don’t NO what to do.  (It’s KNOW people!!!)  AND the people who do this always put YOUR instead of YOU’RE.  And I couldn't OF instead of couldn’t HAVE.  Seriously people, learn to spell!  I may make the odd spelling mistake: we all do, but this continual bad spelling and bad grammar drives me nuts!


The dotcom people in Tesco  (the staff who do the shopping for customers who ordered on line...) (they are SO ignorant and rude to the customers who are in the store!)


People who say pacific instead of SPECIFIC.   


Oddly -  even though Sarah Millican is quite funny, I would say her too, because I am sick and tired of seeing her... she is so over exposed.  And yes her humour IS predictable...


Adele.. Same as Sarah Millican above ^^^  She is OK but I am sick of seeing her/hearing her.  And her songs are all the same.


Jessie J - overrated and crap


Lily Allen - crap crap crap.


Tailgaters/dangerous drivers


People who eat with their mouth open


ANYone who is grumpy and moody all day, and then when you decide you may as well join them, they ask what the hell’s wrong and why you’re so miserable!  Basically turning it around the it being YOU with the problem  (This is usually a man!)


The Only way is Essex and the fat over tanned bints and horrible cocky ugly men on there.


Geordie Shore, Scouse wives, Made In Chelsea and any other piece of garbage like this, that we are supposed to regard as 'entertainment.'


Foreign call centres. 


Irresponsible dog owners who let their dogs shit everywhere and have them off their leash and allow them to jump up you, and who leave them alone while they’re out, to bark and bark and bark!


The new facebook timeline!


Cold callers, coming to my house.


The energy companies who charge inordinate prices for energy and know they can get away with it because you need electric and gas.


The main high street banks (some who are mostly owned by us) who have had gazzilions paid to them, and still refuse to share any of it with the public or businesses that need it, and yet they award themselves million pound bonuses.


8 minute long ad breaks on telly.


Dense and untalented ‘ celebrities’ having their own tv programme about their ‘fascinating’ lives.


People who lose loads of weight and are majorly smug because of it, saying ‘if I can do it, so can anyone.’  (Always amuses me when they pile it back on though.)


British rail and their extortionate train fares


The recession.






Doctors and Dentists who make you wait half an hour after your appointment time, yet would charge you or penalise you if YOU were a MINUTE late!


Autotune – so sick of this on almost every song now: especially on R & B, which USED to be good but is now shit!


People who don’t bother replying to my texts.  And when I text the next day to say ‘did you get it?’ They text back with ‘yes I did...’


People who spend megabucks on something (an outfit or electrical item or a car or a holiday or whatever,) and just HAVE to tell you how much it cost!


Knackered trollies that put my back out moving them around when they are full


The school gate mafia – that bunch of stay at home mums who hang around together half the day, hang about in groups in the shopping centre, and meet half an hour before the kids come out to they can have a gossip, and look disdainfully at the mums who are dropping off the kid(s) and rushing to the school from work.


The expression ‘people can only make you feel inferior if you let them;’ which is to say that it’s basically YOUR problem if you get upset or offended as it’s up to YOU how you take the comments.  Show me somebody who has NEVER been upset or offended at least once by something someone has said, and I will show you a liar.


Spam phone calls (asking for you to complete surverys etc...)


Stupidly over-white, veneered ‘fake’ teeth.


Fake tan.


Big 4 wheel drive cars in towns .. where there is categorically no need for them


You've been framed: seriously the same shit boring clips over and over again is no longer amusing.




People who crow and moan and act all aghast at something, and keep sighing and huffing until you ask them what the problem is!


Men who leave the toilet seat up.


People who give their kids naff chavvy names and think it makes them sound exotic or different.  NO it just sounds daft!


People who whistle a tune that is nonsensical.


People walking very close behind me (makes my skin crawl.)


People who phone... And leave no message and withhold the number!


People who feel the need to comment and judge what you’re eating or drinking.


People who put the apostrophe in the wrong place in a word!


People who use their phones in the cinema!


I am SURE there are more!

Originally Posted by sparkles:


People who continually spell SIMPLE words incorrectly.  When you say 'I want to go home', it’s not a double O in TO!  DON’T say I want too go home.  Someone on here does this a lot and it’s often in thread titles and it makes me want to scream!  



People who publicly pick FMs up on their spelling - if someone constantly spells something incorrectly maybe it might be nice too [sic] PM them


Sorry sparkles - but it happened to me once - and I didn't like it

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by sparkles:



People who continually spell SIMPLE words incorrectly.  When you say 'I want to go home', it’s not a double O in TO!  DON’T say I want too go home.  Someone on here does this a lot and it’s often in thread titles and it makes me want to scream!  



People who publicly pick FMs up on their spelling - if someone constantly spells something incorrectly maybe it might be nice too [sic] PM them


Sorry sparkles - but it happened to me once - and I didn't like it

        I admit I used to do it but have stopped now 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Just thinking what the PM would be......erm excuse me but i hope you dont mind me telling you that your spelling is annoying me and get it sorted ...and the reply... 


Imagining the reply is a LOT more fun


I agree...... correcting others spelling/grammar into Room 101 pronto! It doesn't matter how politely you phrase it, it's always going to come across as right slap bang in the middle of rude

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Just thinking what the PM would be......erm excuse me but i hope you dont mind me telling you that your spelling is annoying me and get it sorted ...and the reply... 

check your PMs Sky ... it might be you


(said in an Ant and Dec type voice)

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Just thinking what the PM would be......erm excuse me but i hope you dont mind me telling you that your spelling is annoying me and get it sorted ...and the reply... 


Imagining the reply is a LOT more fun


I agree...... correcting others spelling/grammar into Room 101 pronto! It doesn't matter how politely you phrase it, it's always going to come across as right slap bang in the middle of rude

Yes the reply may be an of or an off 

Originally Posted by Ducky:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Just thinking what the PM would be......erm excuse me but i hope you dont mind me telling you that your spelling is annoying me and get it sorted ...and the reply... 


Imagining the reply is a LOT more fun


I agree...... correcting others spelling/grammar into Room 101 pronto! It doesn't matter how politely you phrase it, it's always going to come across as right slap bang in the middle of rude

Well this is why I didn't name any names.    Let's face it, when you make a list of things that annoy you, SOMEone is bound to be offended at some point.  Like saying 'I hate names like Tyler, Taylor, and Courtney' and so on' will ultimately upset someone with kids with those names.  You just can't please all of the people all of the time.  I just cannot help it; continual bad spelling and bad grammar really irks me...And I KNOW I am not the only one, as I have seen a number of comments on here before about this.  Upshot is:  I was just answering the O.P.s post, like everyone on here.  


Have to agree with those self service things in supermarkets. How annoying are they ?  I think i do it too fast, then it gives me a row. To follow, staff come from nowhere looking at you as if  you are pinching something. Then once you have paid, it cant wait to get rid of you fast enough....pick up your items...yes ok give me a minute 


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