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Reference: Soooooper
Supercalifragilistic offline 6098 Forum Posts Today at 4:17 PM (Edited: ) Reference: Simon Cowell....well I'll save him for later if ya don't mind, I'd like to *coff* interrogate him a bit before tossing him! Can I have a little interrogate after you've done Tidds? rep
Well he prolly won't have much energy, but you're welcome to pick up the pieces
I know it's not right but I want to 101 2 animals....

Fiona "the parrott" Phillips.

Just when you thought you'd seen the last - up she pops in some advert or other - can't tell you what it is advertising I can't bear to watch it.


Gail "the gerbil" McIntyre or whatever she calls herself these days.

I nominate Gail McIntyre (nee Potter; previously Tilsley, Platt or was it Pratt? Hillman) mainly cos of her fluttering eyelashes and her demonic offspring David - he who develops facial boils beneath his cheek-bones come the full moon.
Baby Bunny

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