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Okay some on here will know this story already but what the hell it's the only one I got!

Quite a few years ago I was going out with an American bloke when he was working over here for a year and when he went back to the US I went for a visit for about a month. He had to work for some days so I would go off travelling by myself for a bit. Anyhow I got to Washington DC, got off the greyhound and started walking and promptly got mugged at gunpoint. The robber made me empty my purse and take my jewellery off including a watch which had a lot of sentimental value. So the robber ran off I had hysterics and boyfriend's family who lived nearby came to rescue me. Holiday continued and I got over it.

One day we had a picnic in the blue mountains and it was just perfect, a lovely day. At one point I asked him what time it was as we had to get back to the car park by a certain time and he said "10 past 3" then a bit of smushy stuff and I said "I wish it could be 10 past 3 for ever".

The night before I was due to fly home we were staying at his sister's house and she had small children so we were creeping around trying to be quiet and sensible and he suddenly pulled out a box and said it's a present for you. I opened it and it was a new watch and the time was set to 10 past 3. I wailed so loudly I woke the kids up. 

We ended up splitting and I lost the watch one drunken night out (which still makes me feel bad to this day) but it's my only romantic story!
We'd just moved into a new house and it was a pit!  I went out drinking with my mates for the night and when I got home my OH had cleared out our bedroom (it was a storage come bedroom before that) and put loads of wee tealights round the room (the house had hardly any light fittings at that time) and had someone hung curtains up even though there was no pole??? (I must ask him how) and had downloaded all the cheesy songs I made him listen to when I was pregnant and emotional and had them playing in the room. 

Not sure if that's romantic or just going the extra mile for a bit of nookie but it made me smile  

OR there's the time I was in a foul mood and he came in from work soaked and freezing and asked what was up and I got a bit upset and he pissed off for a while....(.I thought to his mums) but he came back a while later with a KFC Hotwings meal which is my favourite food

Actually he's pretty good to me but I'm not as nice to him.  We were watching Desperate Housewives one night and just out of curiousity I asked him which one he fancied most and he said Lynette?! I was a bit puzzled and asked him why.  He said because she reminded him so much of me.....bossy and quick off the mark but that he loved it.  Maybe I'm dating a weirdo?
We were watching Desperate Housewives one night and just out of curiousity I asked him which one he fancied most and he said Lynette?! I was a bit puzzled and asked him why. He said because she reminded him so much of me.....bossy and quick off the mark but that he loved it.

I've said that out loud a couple of times while reading this thread, what a lovely idea for a thread.
I was thinking about this thread earlier today.  I had made me and the kids a healhty fry up (slimming world sausages burgers etc..) and was just bringing my plate through from the kitchen when he came down the stairs, I hadn't made him any but the smell woke him up and got up all excited bout the fry up coz I never make them for brekkie and the look on his face when I said there was none for him!!  I wouldn't even offer him a sausage and he skulked off upstairs again   I am awful sometimes, I could have given him a sausage!  I will try harder........maybe.
Mr Blizz and I had been going out for 5 weeks and he had travelled down to Bournemouth, where I lived. We went out for the evening, played some bingo and then went for fish and chips, down the front (sea front, not food down front, although he does have that problem).

We were both a bit pished and he looked across the table, into my eyes, and said, "Will you marry me?", which was dead romantic, until he added, "In five years?".  

I soon got it down to 15 months, though.
19 years ago I met Mr C for the first time!  It's the most romantic story you will ever hear so get some tissues ready.  

He was a male stripper, he picked on me out of the audience, made me get on my knees wrapped me in his 'Prince Charming' cloak and slapped his dick in my hands, I liked what I saw and have never looked back.

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