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Mummy Maz, I don't want to hijack your thread by posting this so I have created one of my own. I hope you don't mind ....

The Queen : Redreeego, how neyce to meet you

Rodrigo : Your Majesty, I am very pleased to meet you. It was my dream and it's come true

The Queen : I receeved your litter esking to meet me and I was very touched. My husband, HRH Prince Feelip wished to come weeth me but I told him to go to Sendringham for the Glorious 12th. I weented to meet you on my awn.

Rodrigo : What is this Glorious 12th Your Majesty? I no heard of this theeng.

The Queen : My husband HRH Prince Feelip and my grandsans Willeiam and Herry go shooting on 12 August every year. They keel pheasants and grouse and furry theengs.

Rodrigo : Could I have a passport Your Majesty. I always ask straight out, I'm not going to beat across the bush. Will you give it me because I love you and I love Britain and all Britons everywhere

The Queen : It dees not work leeke that dear boy. My Government deeecides on theengs like that (the Queen has started talking with a Portuguese accent at this stage)

Rodrigo : You could ring Gordon Brown and tell him to let me have the passport, you are The Queen, you are like Beeg Brother, you tell them what to do

The Queen : Leesen Rodrigo, I am only the feegerhead of this Realm. Write to Gordon Brown and tell him I said I would use the Royal Prerogative if he deesent grawnt you citizenship. Now goodbyee, commoners are not sepposed to talk to me like this, it's not preeetocal.

Rodrigo : Thank you your Majesty, I appreeeeceeeate you coming to see me specially.

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Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Canicant:

I hope his letter doesn't work, else the post office will never cope with the rush Laugh


My letter to The Queen is in the post as we speak canicant, and I'm tidying the house up for a change Laugh

I hope you didn't put a stamp on it, as I'm sure her Maj has enough pictures of herself already Laugh


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