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A special conpendium of twitter updates, news story and the recently released video of this most special event in BB history - a visit by The Queen!

Big Grin
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As part of this week's Task, Rodrigo will be having tea with the Queen later today...

BB has invited Rodrigo to have tea with the Queen. He is ecstatic and speechless. First, he must learn some etiquette

BB's playing the National Anthem into the Diary Room while Rodrigo learns the words. The other HMs are watching on the plasma screen.

He won't be meeting the REAL Queen, just a very convincing lookalike. The other HMs must convince Rodrigo that he met the REAL Queen.

If the HMs succeed in making Rodrigo believe that he had tea with the Queen, BB will give each HM a very special individual prize...

Rodrigo is getting to grips with the National Anthem. He doesn't want to disappoint the Queen!

A sniffer dog is giving the Garden a full inspection before the arrival of 'the Queen'.

Rodrigo is looking very nervous. He's making sure his hat is straight.

Two bodyguards and a sniffer dog are doing a full sweep of the House.

Rodrigo: "The dog is running around the Living Room!"

BB has just told the House that Rodrigo will be meeting the Queen in TEN minutes.

There's going to be smoked salmon & cream cheese sandwiches, party rings, shortcake, scones and more!

Rodrigo's having his final run through of the Anthem before he does it for real. Well, 'real'.

Rodrigo's washing his hands in the Bathroom. It's almost time...

It's time! Rodrigo's off to meet the Queen!

Rodrigo's in the Diary Room being frisked by a bodyguard.

He's in. Just waiting for the Queen now. One final check that the hat is straight...

He isn't sure which side of the table he should sit at.

Rodrigo: "It's like a dream!"

Big Brother: "Rodrigo, please be upstanding for Her Majesty."

The Queen is in! Rodrigo is singing. He's very nervous and she's very convincing..

Rodrigo: "I love this country!"

Rodrigo's hands are shaking as he tries to drink his tea. He's eating caviar on toast at the Queen's recommendation.

They're talking about deforestation in Brazil.

The Queen: "What was it like in Brazil the last time you were there?" Rodrigo: "Brazil is really warm!"

The Queen is showing Rodrigo how to dunk his shortbread in his tea.

BB has called Rodrigo back to the Diary Room. His meeting with the Queen is over. Video coming soon!

all from


news story

Two weeks ago, Rodrigo commented that he wanted to meet The Queen. Last week, he was invited to write her a letter. And today, he gots to meet her. Not on a coin or a stamp, but in the flesh.

Obviously, it's not really The Queen, but famous Queen impersonator Janette Charles.

Resplendant in peach, The Queen waited while Rodrigo was quickly upstanding for the National Anthem. The Queen then suggested Rodrigo pour some tea.

"It's not very far for the hospital, so I thought I'd just pop in," she told him.

"It's very special for me for you to come here, it's like a dream," smiled Rodrigo.

"Many years ago I went to Brazil, I went to Colombia," said the Queen. Hang on Liz, that's a different country. Rodrigo bit his lip and continued with his tea-pouring.

After sharing some caviar, Queenie asked Rodrigo for his ambitions.

"You look a very likeable young man. And your English is impeccable," said The Queen.

"I'm very happy to be here," said Rodrigo. Wonder if he'll feel the same when he finds out it's not the real Queen..?


Just available: The video of the royal visit!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Mathematics:
I can't help but feel that it's a little mean of Big Brother. I know it's a gameshow and all, but we must consider that this is Rodrigo's biggest dream and wish, to meet the queen.

I suppose the equivalent for us would be like winning the lottery and then being told that we hadn't won the lottery, and it was just a joke.
Nod I agree. And people alluding to the fact that he's a fool, to think she would visit him; he's already in a sureal situation being on BB AND on BB in a country not his own. Its easy to say he's stupid for falling for it, when the boot could so easily be on the other foot. It was his greatest wish and he thinks it has come true Frowner
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Mathematics:
I can't help but feel that it's a little mean of Big Brother. I know it's a gameshow and all, but we must consider that this is Rodrigo's biggest dream and wish, to meet the queen.

I suppose the equivalent for us would be like winning the lottery and then being told that we hadn't won the lottery, and it was just a joke.

Although it comes across as an awwww moment I also think it's mean of BB. They know how upset he gets if he feels he's been made to look stupid. I just hope the HM's don't tell him and pretend they too thought it was the Queen. He'd find out on the outside anyway
Yellow Rose

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