Sits...looking on at the ripples, listening to the wind......
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**Lights camp fire and reflects on the importance of......of.........of.......(Took me a long while to think of the word I wanted, in the end it was easy)..... people**
I found this vole having a munch at the riverbank
**Listens to the voles and wonders if Hammie is being papped**
***Sits looking at the River, listening to the night noises, feeling happy ***
*** throws line into river , listens to gentle plop, ripples............***
**Listens to blackbird and gnats skimming**
**Contemplates through tears the injustice in the world**
**Watches the bull rushes swaying and feels comforted**
**Listens to birdsong**
*wanders in and surveys the scenery*
**Peaceful here is'nt it Hoochie , fancy a jam sandwich out of me picnic basket?**
Peaceful here is'nt it Hoochie
Not for long...
Hiya Syd!
Don't suppose you'd mind if I used the facilities?
Ooh look! A jetty!!!
*continuously dive bombs off jetty to annoy the grown-ups *
... fancy a jam sandwich out of me picnic basket?**
And there are butties too?
And to think I "liked" this topic for you!!
*spies a nice bunny buttie and goes to get some Branston pickle to munch with it*
Peaceful here is'nt it Hoochie
Not for long...
oh dear! The neighbourhood is going to the rodents!
**For gawds sake, is there nowhere peaceful in this Web we weave?**
**Sits wondering why peeps want to put a not very attractive bunny in a sandwich, slaver it in Branston pickle.........just cos I offered Hoochie a jam sandwich**