Sits...looking on at the ripples, listening to the wind......
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**Lights camp fire and reflects on the importance of......of.........of.......(Took me a long while to think of the word I wanted, in the end it was easy)..... people**
I found this vole having a munch at the riverbank
**Listens to the voles and wonders if Hammie is being papped**
***Sits looking at the River, listening to the night noises, feeling happy ***
*** throws line into river , listens to gentle plop, ripples............***
**Listens to blackbird and gnats skimming**
**Contemplates through tears the injustice in the world**
**Watches the bull rushes swaying and feels comforted**
**Listens to birdsong**
*wanders in and surveys the scenery*
**Peaceful here is'nt it Hoochie , fancy a jam sandwich out of me picnic basket?**
Peaceful here is'nt it Hoochie
Not for long...
Hiya Syd!
Don't suppose you'd mind if I used the facilities?
Ooh look! A jetty!!!
*continuously dive bombs off jetty to annoy the grown-ups *
... fancy a jam sandwich out of me picnic basket?**
And there are butties too?
And to think I "liked" this topic for you!!
*spies a nice bunny buttie and goes to get some Branston pickle to munch with it*
Peaceful here is'nt it Hoochie
Not for long...
oh dear! The neighbourhood is going to the rodents!
**For gawds sake, is there nowhere peaceful in this Web we weave?**
**Sits wondering why peeps want to put a not very attractive bunny in a sandwich, slaver it in Branston pickle.........just cos I offered Hoochie a jam sandwich**
**Sits on damp grass and ponders, do I like to be liked?**
**Wonders why, across the rippling water,....there is an annoying kid jumping off a jetty causing ripples **
**Nibbles on Strawberry Jam Sandwiches and reflects**
**Wonders were nearest public loo is**
**Sits on damp grass and ponders, do I like to be liked?**
*ponders the meaning of "liked"....... sometimes one is drawn from places which aren't soft and fluffy, that don't fit a superficial definition of like*
I do like a picnic by the river
**a beautiful tranquil scene **
**Watches Bunnies frolicking, with the camping stove stoked**
*ponders why everyone is pondering*
*ties string round a bottle of white wine and chills in the river*
Pengy in your pondering have you reached an answer?...
**Gets Swiss Army knife out of pocket....shuffles through options.....finds corksrew....Cheers Pengy **
*plonks self down by Syd*
Cheers pengy
**Feels the squelch of the sod move as Hoochie places herself**
Cheers Hoochie, Pengy's wine is going down a treat.......
*walks Milo for a few minutes then sits down next to Syd and Hoochie and partakes of some wine*
Chin chin everyone
OMG I think Milo has been at the booze
**Sits stroking Milo's tum**
Blackbird is singing in the dead of night......moon is casting aglow on the river............all is well..xx
You shipwrecked on the riverbank Sprout?
**Throws out a lifeline**
Too late, I've drowned
**NEVER on my riverbank**
***Puckers up...........and gives mouth to mouth....chest compresses..listens to splutters..***
*Coughs and comes back to life*
*sits on lazy behind and watches all the kerfuffle*
*Throws a look to Pengy while coughing and spluttering*
*catches Sproutalicious' look and throws her an inhaler*
Takes a few minutes to listen to the water rippling over the stones.......breaths in the fresh air....
and hugs those sitting on the banks
Watches the Rabbit frolicking on the bank.....starts feeling nippy and lights a fire....
That riverbank is frozen
Sits by the riverbank, and wonders why on such a sunny warm day, without a care, birds singing in the trees....I am missing my Mum and Dad so much.......
Syd posted:Sits by the riverbank, and wonders why on such a sunny warm day, without a care, birds singing in the trees....I am missing my Mum and Dad so much.......
You are your Mum and Dad Syd. The fat lady hasn't sung yet
Taking a moment to sit by my imaginary riverbank....
Holding a placard......"Give Peace a Chance"
Wondering whilst listening to the the 'imaginary' water trickling....."When can I stop daydreaming?"
@Syd posted:Taking a moment to sit by my imaginary riverbank....
Holding a placard......"Give Peace a Chance"
Wondering whilst listening to the the 'imaginary' water trickling....."When can I stop daydreaming?"
Sits alongside Syd ....and dreams of better days
Sits by the riverbank, and is pleased to still see the reflections shining in the ripples of the GaGa still casting their rods in the ripples............. xxxxxxx
I posted this a few weeks ago on another thread .
Short piece of music which does sound like a river:
Sits by the riverbank, with a smile, remembering the people and the smiles they gave me while we sat and enjoyed the ripples, even the sharp stoney ones.........still glad to be here listening to the