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(Neil Kinnock is in the other place, the House of Lords, he was speaking in a debate the other night)
That idiot Blunkett has just reminded me why I hate New Labour so much. He mentioned Benn's bitterness and refusal to modernise. But the whole point about Benn was his idea that you present the voters with a socialist alternative, and if they don't like it then so be it. Admittedly we would not have had a Labour government in the last thirty years but anything to save us from Blair, his men in suits, and Thatcher-lite.
Garage Joe

Wasn't from a party I followed but was one of the few politicians I felt really really meant every thing he said and was fully dedicated to his ideals and they were always eloquently put so you had a sense he had researched well too, and most importantly without belittling those that didn't have the same ideals as he did.. 


I always felt that I could actually have a chat with the guy and not feel attacked just because we didn't agree on something. . Respect to the man... shame there aren't any left like him anymore..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Wasn't from a party I followed but was one of the few politicians I felt really really meant every thing he said and was fully dedicated to his ideals and they were always eloquently put so you had a sense he had researched well too, and most importantly without belittling those that didn't have the same ideals as he did.. 


I always felt that I could actually have a chat with the guy and not feel attacked just because we didn't agree on something. . Respect to the man... shame there aren't any left like him anymore..

I agree totally.  I once worked with a lady that had met him on several occasions and she really sang his praises.


I agree with Garage Joe that we are unlikely to see his like again. 


Question Time with Tony Benn on the panel was unmissable and I was pleased that he continued to be a thorn in the side of the New Labour 'suits' long after he retired from Parliament.


Hopefully there won't be a smoking ban in heaven so that he can enjoy a pipe with his cuppa when he arrives

Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
(Neil Kinnock is in the other place, the House of Lords, he was speaking in a debate the other night)
That idiot Blunkett has just reminded me why I hate New Labour so much. He mentioned Benn's bitterness and refusal to modernise. But the whole point about Benn was his idea that you present the voters with a socialist alternative, and if they don't like it then so be it. Admittedly we would not have had a Labour government in the last thirty years but anything to save us from Blair, his men in suits, and Thatcher-lite.

Modernise is one of those words like 'choice' and 'freedom' that has been utterly bastardised by the right wing. 


Modernise always means doing what the monied classes want, i.e. making things more market driven/profitable for shareholders and less communal/socialist. 


The thing is, there's absolutely nothing 'modern' about the cold hard (and rigged) market, it's been a source of poverty and inequality for centuries.

Last edited by Carnelian
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I’m struggling to think of another politician that held my attention as Tony Benn did when he spoke.




Dennis Skinner! Least claimed expenses. attends the most votes and speaks from the heart. 


RIP Tony Benn, man of principles 

I was thinking of him.

I've just listened to a very good interview by Stephen Nolan with Tony Benn from last December. Apart from a wee Freudian slip (saying Tony Blair, meaning Ed Milliband) it was just excellent.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I’m struggling to think of another politician that held my attention as Tony Benn did when he spoke.




Dennis Skinner! Least claimed expenses. attends the most votes and speaks from the heart. 


RIP Tony Benn, man of principles 

I was thinking of him.

I've just listened to a very good interview by Stephen Nolan with Tony Benn from last December. Apart from a wee Freudian slip (saying Tony Blair, meaning Ed Milliband) it was just excellent.

It's unfair to associate Ed Miliband with Tony Blair.  Ed has proven significant differences from Blair.  Future history may lump them together, but I hope it won't be able to.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Cold Sweat:

I’m struggling to think of another politician that held my attention as Tony Benn did when he spoke.




Dennis Skinner! Least claimed expenses. attends the most votes and speaks from the heart. 


RIP Tony Benn, man of principles 

Indeedâ€Ķ The Beast of Bolsover!


I’ve always quite enjoyed listening to Baroness Williams, also.

Cold Sweat

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