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I really, really have tried not to do this but you lot just don't make it easy.  For too long you lot have started posts filled with some of the most humorous and touching stories that I've ever read (mainly humorous though).

Is this what I am here for? No!! I want arguments, pointless threads and general ignorance from everyone and I am not getting it (well a little bit from Karma, cuz she's a mouthy mare that one ), I am feeling left out and its not very nice.

So that's it. I'm done with you lot, keep back to being pleasant, cheeky and funny and I'll move on to other pastures new, to be rude and stupid. GOOD. BYE!!

*cough* Erm...if someone could tell me in which direction I need to flounce that would be great *cough*

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Point taken.
OK! Yer knaa what-t ?
That moaning thread elsewhere which developed into, amomgst other things, a critique of what constitutes a luxury and such.......... Last night there was this gadjie on the tellybox who looked like wor chancellor, but with black hair, and he said  that VAT was the best way of taxing wor outta  this falsely constructed mythical ecomic crisis.
I would argue that the best way is to up income tax particularly at higher levels, and make higher earners pay it too. Meanwhile a policy of make do and mend and only replacing items when they are completely shagged would work well at our end of the spectrum. Lets see who blinks first, us or the High Street.
Garage Joe

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