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I'm climbing down, setting out my stall, hoisting my flag and wantonly mixing my metaphors.


Now I don't want her to win or anything and I don't even like her very much but the girl plays a good game!

She's like a stealth bomber, she sees her target and quietly sets off on a mission of total destruction. She is fabulously cold and ruthless.

Come on people she forced herself to get into a bath with Marcus in order to gain an ally for her devlish plan to overthrow Noirin! Now that takes some serious self control.

Plus, she's got Lisa in her sights now that the 'hussy' and the frat boy have gone and Lisa soooooooo deserves the full-on Bea assassination! It'll be messy, Lisa won't go down without a fight.

Now that I can't wait to see. Big Grin

Anyone with me?

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Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
She's being celebrated on this forum for jumping in the bath to gain an allie in Marcus, where as Noirin would be torn to shreds for doing the same thing.

I'm finding it really difficult to keep up with forum mentality.Frowner

Know what you mean spider!! Bea is a very self serving manipulator and she will stay possibly to the end, but she has NO chance of winning,nor does marcus.. so her plan already has massive errors!
Originally posted by Selina K:
I hate her. I disliked Noirin intensely, don't like Lisa, but it pales in comparison to the vomit inducing rage that smug bitch brings out in me. Ooooh I found my new Grace figure. Excellent Big Grin

I'm with you on this. Every single word she says drives me into a rage and arrgh just LOOKING at her with her stupid faux hippy ways and 'oh I love vintage clothes' ohhh Angry
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
She's being celebrated on this forum for jumping in the bath to gain an allie in Marcus, where as Noirin would be torn to shreds for doing the same thing.

I'm finding it really difficult to keep up with forum mentality.Frowner

Double-standards are nothing new on this forum ... Laugh
Originally posted by skive:
I'm climbing down, setting out my stall, hoisting my flag and wantonly mixing my metaphors.


Now I don't want her to win or anything and I don't even like her very much but the girl plays a good game!

She's like a stealth bomber, she sees her target and quietly sets off on a mission of total destruction. She is fabulously cold and ruthless.

Come on people she forced herself to get into a bath with Marcus in order to gain an ally for her devlish plan to overthrow Noirin! Now that takes some serious self control.

Plus, she's got Lisa in her sights now that the 'hussy' and the frat boy have gone and Lisa soooooooo deserves the full-on Bea assassination! It'll be messy, Lisa won't go down without a fight.

Now that I can't wait to see. Big Grin

Anyone with me?
AGREE! Laugh I love her too. After miss sociopath Noirin verbally attacked her (just coz her boyfriend was in there to defend her,) Bea just looked amused. She KNOWS she is superior to Noirin Nod Welcome to the Bea luvvin' world!
it took me a while, get ur bea position but marcus has literaly ripped bb apart(bb bein the enemy if some didn't get that)he's played a blinder since day one and then as is the case made to look a twat by the media, sun n other such chite newspapers, why, they don't like anyone taking on the rich rulling class BIG BROTHER... now get dwn the marcus fan klub n grab anumber while i'm srtill awake Thumbs Up
Nah.....still not sold on her skivey, sorry Wink

She's good, granted. But she's not NEARLY as clever as she thinks she is. She missed too many good opportunities to finally nail a situation down.

Plus I hate that smug po-faced expression, her booming school marm voice, those infernal jangly arms and the fussy pretentious way she dresses.

Plus, I will never ever forgive her ultimate sin - that frikkin white billowy sheet monstrosity dress/thing she wore going into the House Eeker I just knew anyone who would put something like that on their back was always gonna be a royal pain in the ass Laugh
Originally posted by Selina K:
I hate her. I disliked Noirin intensely, don't like Lisa, but it pales in comparison to the vomit inducing rage that smug bitch brings out in me. Ooooh I found my new Grace figure. Excellent Big Grin

Oh I hated Grace so much! She made me want to punch my TV screen. Mad At least Bea tries to hide her vileness, Grace flaunted it like the stuck up, snobby, bitchy, hateful little madam she was! Mad

Originally posted by Paradice:
it took me a while, get ur bea position but marcus has literaly ripped bb apart(bb bein the enemy if some didn't get that)he's played a blinder since day one and then as is the case made to look a twat by the media, sun n other such chite newspapers, why, they don't like anyone taking on the rich rulling class BIG BROTHER... now get dwn the marcus fan klub n grab anumber while i'm srtill awake Thumbs Up
Thumbs Up
Originally posted by evviva!:
Plus, I will never ever forgive her ultimate sin - that frikkin white billowy sheet monstrosity dress/thing she wore going into the House Eeker I just knew anyone who would put something like that on their back was always gonna be a royal pain in the ass Laugh

Laugh Laugh Laugh
My first thought when she went in was "no self-respecting hippy would wear that monstrosity".
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by evviva!:
Plus, I will never ever forgive her ultimate sin - that frikkin white billowy sheet monstrosity dress/thing she wore going into the House Eeker I just knew anyone who would put something like that on their back was always gonna be a royal pain in the ass Laugh

Laugh Laugh Laugh
My first thought when she went in was "no self-respecting hippy would wear that monstrosity".

I wouldn't have even let my dogs sleep on that pile of tat Laugh
I do not like bea at all

didnt like her from day one

and havent changed

Now i like a housemate to have a good row and bitch now and again but its all she does

She has made me go off freddie who has turned into nodding dog and she could not give a flying frig about marcus or siavash i cant find anything likeable about her

she is bitter because all she got to fancy her was freddie who she would not tolerate at all even hugging her she cringed she was jealous of noirin big bea would have been in there like a shot if tom siavash give her the green light.

Taking the moral high ground with noirin Laughfrom bea made me laugh
Originally posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:
She's being celebrated on this forum for jumping in the bath to gain an allie in Marcus, where as Noirin would be torn to shreds for doing the same thing.

I'm finding it really difficult to keep up with forum mentality.Frowner

I'm not exactly celebrating her for it, more standing in awe of her willingness to do absolutely whatever it takes to further her goals.

I suppose it's a bit like I can see why Ted Bundy was considered so charming but it doesn't mean I'm not thankful he got executed!
Originally posted by evviva!:
Originally posted by skive:
Originally posted by evviva!:
Plus, I will never ever forgive her ultimate sin - that frikkin white billowy sheet monstrosity dress/thing she wore going into the House Eeker I just knew anyone who would put something like that on their back was always gonna be a royal pain in the ass Laugh

Laugh Laugh Laugh
My first thought when she went in was "no self-respecting hippy would wear that monstrosity".

I wouldn't have even let my dogs sleep on that pile of tat Laugh

Glance i liked it Glance
Originally posted by JacksonB:
when you take bea out of the mix, it would be so dull to watch, rodrigo and charlie cuddling or rowing, marcus under the duvet, siavash moping, lisa smoking and whining, sophie doing her 'drunk' show, dave being unintelligible,the only high point would be hira doing her dancercise... Laugh

Now that's what I'm talking about. Bea has something of the Makosi about her only far less instantly irritating!

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