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Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

When You press last reply, why does it go to the top of the page? or am i doing something wrong 

Nah, I think it's being ironed out Aims 

Thanks, sprout. I was thinking about putting that in my sig.



***Last Reply bug has been reported and will be fixed***

Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

When You press last reply, why does it go to the top of the page? or am i doing something wrong 

Nah, I think it's being ironed out Aims 

Thanks, sprout. I was thinking about putting that in my sig.



***Last Reply bug has been reported and will be fixed***

      You're welcome Lori 

Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

When You press last reply, why does it go to the top of the page? or am i doing something wrong 

Nah, I think it's being ironed out Aims 

Thanks, sprout. I was thinking about putting that in my sig.



***Last Reply bug has been reported and will be fixed***

Can you also fix it that Mods aren't allowed in the game's forum, cheer's 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by sprout:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

When You press last reply, why does it go to the top of the page? or am i doing something wrong 

Nah, I think it's being ironed out Aims 

Thanks, sprout. I was thinking about putting that in my sig.



***Last Reply bug has been reported and will be fixed***

Can you also fix it that Mods aren't allowed in the game's forum, cheer's 

Yes, I second that Aimee

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Look my brain isn't what it used too be, today i put the handwash in the bathroom cupboard and the shampoo on the washbasin 

My sons got a bottle of hair gel that he keeps on the shelf above the bathroom sink and the bottle looks like a bottle of handwash.
After the plumber had fixed the loo last week, he was washing his hands in the bathroom as I chatted to him and he used it to wash his hands

I didn't have the heart to tell him!

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Look my brain isn't what it used too be, today i put the handwash in the bathroom cupboard and the shampoo on the washbasin 

My sons got a bottle of hair gel that he keeps on the shelf above the bathroom sink and the bottle looks like a bottle of handwash.
After the plumber had fixed the loo last week, he was washing his hands in the bathroom as I chatted to him and he used it to wash his hands

I didn't have the heart to tell him!

 Sounds like my husband - in the past has used after sun gel as hair gel - tinted moisturiser for a dry patch on his hand and put the residue on his face - face wash as shaving gel - and the biggy ...................took two sleeping tablets thinking they were pain killers - someone had given him prescription painkillers (as he was having trouble sleeping) told him emphatically only take half!!!! He was working at the time!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Look my brain isn't what it used too be, today i put the handwash in the bathroom cupboard and the shampoo on the washbasin 

My sons got a bottle of hair gel that he keeps on the shelf above the bathroom sink and the bottle looks like a bottle of handwash.
After the plumber had fixed the loo last week, he was washing his hands in the bathroom as I chatted to him and he used it to wash his hands

I didn't have the heart to tell him!

 i then used the nail varnish remover and put that in the jug with the shampoo  i realised what i had done and what off down  the stairs junttering too myself  

Originally Posted by Lori:

Last reply bug has been fixed!

twas me reported it in the support forum .. when I eventually found it.. they responded quickly tho


they're not going to do owt about the width of the comment boxes in the threads tho, so we will be permanently squished to the left it looks like . ..gonna get even harder to read especially when you get the multiple nested quotes things going ..

Mount Olympus *Olly*

Lori, as a special thank you to rocky poo for stepping in when you were away and being a top mod and all that could we not make it that sigs dont show APART from rocky poos? He would love that, and would give him a warm glow inside... He particularly liked that big one i did him.   Could we make it 'LARGE'? The larger the better, Im talking forum stretching large


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Lori:

That's TOTALLY them!!!

How'd that video get out??


Here they are specifically discussing the middle column width.

Is that them expressing a wish to move it over to the right a bit via the medium of dance? 

That's exactly right, Slinki. And, if you can imagine the's Hawaiian.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Could you ask them to stop dancing and investigate why my box keeps stretching, when I quote?!!! 

Your who keeps what??

Can you tell me what you are using for a browser, so I can try to recreate the issue?

And, does it happen on ALL your quoting attempts, or is there a specific one?

Originally Posted by Lori:

Your who keeps what??

Can you tell me what you are using for a browser, so I can try to recreate the issue?

And, does it happen on ALL your quoting attempts, or is there a specific one?

I'm on Google Chrome and I have to scroll down three miles to press 'submit'.

I thought it was every time, but it hasn't happened on this quote! 

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Lori:

Your who keeps what??

Can you tell me what you are using for a browser, so I can try to recreate the issue?

And, does it happen on ALL your quoting attempts, or is there a specific one?

I'm on Google Chrome and I have to scroll down three miles to press 'submit'.

I thought it was every time, but it hasn't happened on this quote! 

 On this one, it did!  

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

i just quoted on GC, and the space was a bit large !



































If this works.. this is how large it is .



























































































Mine's HUGE!!!!


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