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Hmmm, I like the bigger avis, but have never been fond of sigs. It's also a bit squished over to the left ... which made me actually look at the right hand side of the screen and see what was there!


What I want to know is, why did muf tag a blog about dragging and dropping with 'Belly Button' ?   


Come on muffles - you've been outed 


Why are some quoted posts not really looking like quotes but part of the post that is quoting them?


Is it something that the person quoting is doing? It's a bit disconcerting.

I like my quotes strictly segregated from the current post.

I'm anal like that


As to the sigs thing, I don't mind as long as they are just a line of two of text, preferably in different colour. I'm not keen on the ones that look like part of the post.


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