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I zonked out on the sofa 2 hours ago with no blanket over me. Woke up and the garden door was wide open cos the dog was out, my nose is like bloody Rudolph and I'm shuddering about like something affected. I am in no mood to celebrate given that I feel like a big frozen TURKEY

And Prometheus before you say owt, SHUT UP

Good bloody morning
I zonked out on the sofa 2 hours ago with no blanket over me. Woke up and the garden door was wide open cos the dog was out, my nose is like bloody Rudolph and I'm shuddering about like something affected. I am in no mood to celebrate given that I feel like a big frozen TURKEY

You do have dog politics don't you. But be careful...
I hate Xmas and not looking forward to any aspect of it this year - not one bit! The end of a shitty year with worse to follow.
Sorry to hear that Carnelian.
Christmas can be a very lonely time of year...But it is only one day - snuggle down and watch the crap on TV.
I am sure this place will be open so there will be stuff going on here.
As for your bad year - I don't know your circs but you never know - next year may be better for you...
But be careful..

I'm trying, it took about 2 hours to warm up after waking...I've got quite bad anaemia at the minute so maybe that's why I'm feeling the cold more? (God knows - doc just shoved me on iron 4 times a day - I'm gonna be like the bloody Terminator soon).
The dog's great at letting himself out to the garden but he has yet to learn how to close the door behind him and he doesn't seem to be in any rush to learn. Typical bloke

Ooooooh George Clooney  *feels very warm in certain places*
I'm looking forward to Christmas.  Finn is more aware this year and it's going to be great fun seeing his reaction when we drag a tree into the house and cover it with all kinds of crap  

Up until last week, this has been the happiest year of my life, I've loved and laughed through every second of it.  I'm sure not going to let anything stop me from marking the end of it in true celebratory style (thought maybe the snow might present a minor obstacle )
I'm trying, it took about 2 hours to warm up after waking...I've got quite bad anaemia at the minute so maybe that's why I'm feeling the cold more? (God knows - doc just shoved me on iron 4 times a day - I'm gonna be like the bloody Terminator soon). The dog's great at letting himself out to the garden but he has yet to learn how to close the door behind him and he doesn't seem to be in any rush to learn. Typical bloke
I have a blinking cat like that - grrr. I am sure he thinks it is a game!
Re the iron - I don't suppose its any use me advising you to eat lots of liver is it?

Failing that, spinach, and believe it or not - chocolate is very high in iron.
I'm looking forward to Christmas. Finn is more aware this year and it's going to be great fun seeing his reaction when we drag a tree into the house and cover it with all kinds of crap Up until last week, this has been the happiest year of my life, I've loved and laughed through every second of it. I'm sure not going to let anything stop me from marking the end of it in true celebratory style (thought maybe the snow might present a minor obstacle


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