FFS, talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.
Apparently Ricky Gervais was 'snotty and abusive.' Methinks somehow that if it had been a fellow American making the same comments/jokes, the reaction would have been different. What do you guys think? Are they more offended because it was a foreigner making the jibes in your opinion?
I watched and listened to Gervais and frankly I didn't think he was extremely offensive at all, like they're trying to make out. I think he was purely having a laugh, and there was no malicious intent, and plus, they KNEW what he was like when they booked him for the job. Talk about over sensitive. I'd be interested to hear peoples' views.

I watched and listened to Gervais and frankly I didn't think he was extremely offensive at all, like they're trying to make out. I think he was purely having a laugh, and there was no malicious intent, and plus, they KNEW what he was like when they booked him for the job. Talk about over sensitive. I'd be interested to hear peoples' views.