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FFS, talk about making a mountain out of a molehill.    Apparently Ricky Gervais was 'snotty and abusive.'  Methinks somehow that if it had been a fellow American making the same comments/jokes, the reaction would have been different.  What do you guys think?  Are they more offended because it was a foreigner making the jibes in your opinion?

I watched and listened to Gervais and frankly I didn't think he was extremely offensive at all, like they're trying to make out.  I think he was purely having a laugh, and there was no malicious intent, and plus, they KNEW what he was like when they booked him for the job.  Talk about over sensitive.  I'd be interested to hear peoples' views.,0,1237264.story

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Never liked him, too smug for me, he isnt all that, but he thinks he is...sorry 

he aint all that and a bag of chips  
I am not a massive fan of Gervais although I think he can be funny at times.  He is a bit arrogant though I will agree.  I think he is a bit over rated, and not as funny as he thinks he is. 

However, I do think he was quite funny on the globes, and as I said, I wonder if the Americans would have reacted differently if it had been one of their own taking the piss?  I really think they are being over sensitive here.  I have heard far worse things said; sometimes by them!
I largely agree folks.    I do think Americans do have a good sense of humour though, and wouldn't say all Americans have no sense of humour at all...    I just think at the globes, that they really didn't like it that a FOREIGNER was taking the piss out them; some of the Hollywood lot think they are so bloody special, and above everyone and all that luvvy duvvy backslapping does my head in. 

BUT I wouldn't say that Americans have no sense of humour.  Some are very funny and can take a joke, but this hollywood bunch of divvies had their little egos dented!  They did NOT like it that someone took the piss: and especially that it was a FOREIGNER!  They are so used to people sucking up to them and saying how wonderful they are, that this came as a shock to the little bunch of divas!  Bless... 
I agree with Soozy. I didn't watch the whole event as I'm not interested but saw some clips of what he said. The actors afterwards who were asked for their opinion didn't seem upset by it. Maybe the event was so boring the media decided to run with his comments because they were more interesting.
I loved The Office but watched on tv one of his comedy sketches on stage and turned over after 5 minutes, not my kind of humour.
Yellow Rose

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