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I still love Rex and him and Siavash together Big Grin

rex newmark at 29/8/2009 3:37 PM GDT

Marcus the Beast is out! I feel sorry for the general public having to deal with his ugly face. Only joking, I started to really like him at the end. He was such a grumpy old man and gave the show some of its best moments.

When he came out I was very curious to see if he would be shy and timid or brash and bold. But he was true to how he was on the show and took on Davina and her panel. How funny was it when he had his hair cut on Big Brother's Big Mouth.

I think everyone knew he was coming out. He didn’t have the best start to the show, people didn’t understand his personality. I had the same thing, we both blossomed late in the show. Though unfortunately I got knocked back by the spoilt brat Nicole, which ruined any chance of me winning.

I am happy that Siavash stayed. He is very strange and weird in wonderful ways but has become all holy and righteous. Big Brother needs to throw them some real curve balls to end the show on a high. And for god sake please please please vote Lisa out in Tuesday’s surprise eviction, she is such a boring, fag-smoking waste of a housemate.

This weekend we are hosting the VIP party at Beach Blanket Babylon for Notting Hill carnival, with lots of housemates and celebs attending. I will report back and tell you the full report in my penultimate blog.

Siavash to win!

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