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NO - i'm not talking about United Nations Declarations!!!


I've been watching a TV show called CASH CAB filmed in New York

I've noticed when customers get into the cab they rarely say 'hello' to the driver or 'please' after they give directions to the driver.

I'm get quite offended as in the UK its a given we do that.


What do you consider as Golden Rules to life that simply should not be breached?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Renton:

Queueing is a must - wait your turn and be patient

Jumping the queue is totally unnacceptable!! 

I hate that too. I saw a woman do that yesterday at the supermarket, She joined the queue from the side, but the person next to her gave her a look and she left, only to come back shortly afterwards and rejoin the queue at the same spot. The young lad who she pushed in on didn't challenge her, possibly because she was very good looking!


people that let doors slam in your face because they're too rude to hold it open for a few seconds 


people who walk 2/3 abreast down a very tiny pavement then expect you to walk in the road so they can carry on chatting   whatever happened to someone moving behind their friend to let someone in the opposite direction pass?  Times it by 10 with 2 buggy users side by side who think because they have a child that gives them automatic right of way 

Originally Posted by Pengy:

people that let doors slam in your face because they're too rude to hold it open for a few seconds 


people who walk 2/3 abreast down a very tiny pavement then expect you to walk in the road so they can carry on chatting   whatever happened to someone moving behind their friend to let someone in the opposite direction pass?  Times it by 10 with 2 buggy users side by side who think because they have a child that gives them automatic right of way 

Oh I agree with this Pengles - and could have come to fistycuffs with some stupid woman years ago. She had five children, and every day we crossed paths on the way home from our respective schools. Her and her brood used to take up the whole path and never once moved over to let me and mine pass. I always made a big thing about making my three walk in single file so that this mob could pass.


One day I saw red. As she passed me I stopped her and asked her if she would do me a favour - would she mind saying thank you every day that we stood aside for her, as I was trying to teach my children manners and they always commented on how rude she was by not moving aside and not saying thank you.


She walked home the back way every day after that


Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Pengy:

Oh I agree with this Pengles - and could have come to fistycuffs with some stupid woman years ago. She had five children, and every day we crossed paths on the way home from our respective schools. Her and her brood used to take up the whole path and never once moved over to let me and mine pass. I always made a big thing about making my three walk in single file so that this mob could pass.


One day I saw red. As she passed me I stopped her and asked her if she would do me a favour - would she mind saying thank you every day that we stood aside for her, as I was trying to teach my children manners and they always commented on how rude she was by not moving aside and not saying thank you.


She walked home the back way every day after that


well done you Rexi 




Noel Edmonds jumpers


The Essix accent


Call me Dave and his fag Cleggy


Drivers who don't indicate when coming off roundabouts


People who say, "The queen works so hard, no one would want her job"


In a similar vein, when footballers are described as "a fantastic servant" to a football club.  Come on, "servant", who the hell are they kidding!!!


And in a similar similar vein, Prince when he wrote 'slave' on forehead to get back at his record label, the twat.  Younger forum readers won't remember than one.


People who gush about Apple products


People who make jokes about Norfolk people being inbred because it's PC to do so.














i've said it already once today in another thread, mobile phones  who is everyone talking to and is it really that important that you have to stop talking to someone to answer it  i was on the bus yesterday morning and nearly everyone was head bent staring at their phone and oblivious to anything else that was going on around them

Originally Posted by Renton:


I'm talking on the phone and someone else starts talking to me!!

How do they expect me to hold TWO conversations??

It SO RUDE !!!



Ahhhhh!!!  My OH does that!  I'll be having a conversation with my sister (ok it's nothing important but we're still TALKING fgs!) and he'll come in and start to tell me something and I'll say '2 seconds' to him to point out I'M ON THE PHONE! but he'll continue to talk anyway and as soon as I throw him the evil eye he goes all crazy and storms out


Just wait a frigging second man!  


OR even worse....when I'm talking about something on the phone and he'll start talking to me ABOUT the conversation I'm having making it clear to me and whoever is on the other end that he's having a right old nosey at our convo! 


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