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Don't limit your activity Fairfax, just carry on posting and ignore that kind of thing if you can

Thanks so much LL, that means a lot to me.  I'm not on facebook or a member of any other forum so this little place means a lot to me.( I just deleted my post in case gaga thought I was being inflamatory.) but thanks again for your lovely words.
Fairfax offline 5,024 Forum Posts Today at 8:31 AM Last Edited: Reference: Don't limit your activity Fairfax, just carry on posting and ignore that kind of thing if you can Thanks so much LL, that means a lot to me. I'm not on facebook or a member of any other forum so this little place means a lot to me.( I just deleted my post in case gaga thought I was being inflamatory.) but thanks again for your lovely words.
No probs.  I will go back and delete mine
Reference: Evelyn
We once read a list of "Reasons we were banned", amongst their reasons were ones for saying ninja, b@ll@cks, I will msn you in the bum, Perhaps a little nettle tea bagging?. I am a mod
  And the grovelling you had to do to get back. I`m so vewy vewy sowwy Mr.Mod. I didn`t mean it. I promise to be good from now on.
Scotty: And the grovelling you had to do to get back. I`m so vewy vewy sowwy Mr.Mod. I didn`t mean it. I promise to be good from now on.

 [Liverpoollass Ben and Sam's Buddy]  We did use to have a laugh with some of the mods over there, when they used to come into the threads. Those were the early days though, when the mods were human and not anal robots
 I have just burst laughing when i have read some of the grovelling emails.  I remember when they came in and joined in..ED being one.

Also they joined in a bit at the end,I am sure they had a great hoot reading some of our threads...  pity they were up their own for most of it.
Ev (Peachy)
Reference: Croc
I got one ban for saying Madonna was a tired old slapper who should keep her flange to herself.
I got one for saying Kylie Minogue was a squeaky trog. Apparently she could sue the forum for libel. My return e-mail said they could use it as a fantastic PR opportunity. They weren't impressed and made me wait another week before they let me back.

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