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Oh and Kate putting her jeans on, drunk as a wotsit and falling over.
Oh God yes! She had snuck over to the rich side and was trying to put as many of her clothes on as she could! I also remember them pushing each other around in a shopping trolley, absolutely mullered, and that game of running round the broomstick Kate Lawler was hilarious when she was hammered
I remember when there was the dog task and the HM's were paired up (cant remember what year) and Kemal was paired with Science (Science being the dog). He gave Kemal hell He'd take off with no warning and start bombing it round the garden and Kemal would be trying to hold the lead and keep up in his heels

And as much as I despise beady eyed Michelle thing Bass her 'nooo.naked.jacuziNESS' was a classic
Lets reminisce. * Rex ordered 57 Special prizes with the shopping budget * Glyn boiled an egg for the very 1st time * Seany pushed Charley in the pool * BB9's electric Show Task * Mickey eating the chilli * Mickey was caught washing his balls in a cup!! BB9 was actually in hindsight one of the best Big Brothers...all except the winner that is... Rachel who I hear you ask!
I loved BB9 ... especially Rex ... and I remember all those events

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