My mother's just died and funeral arrangements are being decided. My mother was a Methodist - although very much lapsed - but still in that fold and not practising. It's fair to say that religion was not really a part of her life - although that was how she described herself and how I was baptised.
I'm not religious so to me it's symbolic only. My parents' marriage was a bit of a disaster area with little mutual common ground and more bitterness, animosity than love and affection. They had their own lives and did their own things. Well, my dad did his own thing and my mum was virtually housebound.
I asked my dad what type of service we were going to have for the funeral and mentioned that I'd been to the Methodist church and had a phone number for a Methodist reverend. He said that she wasn't religious - which is true in the sense that she never prayed (to my knowledge) or went to church, in a sense - but I just feel that, in death, as in life, my dad's just doing what's easy for him with a callous disregard that I regard as a final insult. Symbolic of their marriage. In their latter years they did not really communicate to each other except in arguments, so it's impossible for me to know if the whole denomination thing really bothered her that much. I never brought it up because the subject was so morbid.
So there could be a bullshit C of E service with C of E hymns and all the other C of E procedure. As I wrote, religion was not really a big part of her life but surely it's reasonable to have a funeral in your denomination - lapsed or not?
I have always been closer to my mother than my father so I'm certainly biased.
Am I being unreasonable or over sensitive?