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Ok...before we start, everyone has different beliefs. I would ask that no one gets personal in this thread, and if anyone gets easily offended probably not your place to be!

Anyway I am Catholic, I try to live a good Catholic lifestyle and I believe the Catholic 'take' for want of a better word on Jesus et al.

Anyway, there are many many avenues that I do not believe in for the Catholic Church these things such as Gay Relationships- I have no problem with them and I feel the CC should accept them, Children and sex outside of marriage- again outdated, Priests not being able to marry etc, also the paedophilia in the Church has made me sick to my stomach and I think there should be a change in the hierarchy of the church. I think it is very out-dated ad it needs to be brought into the 21st Century, in essence I agree with the fundamentals of the Church but aside from that the CC is living in the past.

Basically what I am trying to say is that in every religion, not everyone believes in or follows every single thing they are preached, everyone will have qualms about certain areas of the religion. What I am basically trying to say is that as a Catholic (a religion which has problems with same sex relationships), I do not have a problem with same sex relationships. Dave uses the fact that his faith means he is not accepting of same sex relationships but my faith doesn't either but I have no problem with them.

The point I am trying to make is very difficult to get across via text but I am trying to explain where Caoimhe may be coming from.

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The church is rife with contradictions imo....Anti birth control,anti abortion but in the past some priests had the audacity to refuse to baptise babies born outside of matrimony.....I remember my mum having my siblings and me going with her while she was *Churched*,women who had gave birth were deemed unclean until they were churched and couldn't go out....The list is endless and the double standards I actually find repulsive.
As for where Caoimhe is coming from I feel in each HM off her choosing she finds a flaw and zones in on it....She totally lost the argument for me last night when she  made such ludicrous statements about the pope being the leader of Christianity.
I'm in the same boat as Caoimhe in some respects.  I was born and raised a Catholic but now I'm old enough to decide what I want, I've turned my back on religion altogether.  It doesn't really interest me and with an ever growing wealth of understanding of science, I find it increasingly difficult to accept that God even exists.
I used to be a Cafflick and, like you, completely ignored all the bigotted teachings.
I used to think that it was better to fight the bigotry from within, rather than leave, but then I saw the light and became an Atheist.

What really annoys me, is that everyone thinks that Cafflicks actually follow the Pope's teachings (on contraception etc.), but it's mostly followed in poorer countries, where contraception, especially condom use, could make a huge difference to people's lives.
Reference: Shizzle
I thought Dave said more a less the same as yourself with regards to his beliefs and the church and gay people
Dave believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible.
So he believes homosexual relationships are wrong, but then follows the 'love everyone' mantra.

Basically - Hate the sin, love the sinner. (But it's still a sin )

Dave said he had a problem with gay relationships (not gay people if you get my drift), because of his religion. What I was basically saying is that my religion doesn't accept gays either but I have no problem with them. So to an extent Dave is choosing to follow this belief opposing to being ;'made' follow it. And if it is a latter then that in my opinion constitutes a cult as no one should be made to believe anything.
I kinda do that, but they make really nice cup cakes at Church and the school attached to it did really well in its Ofsted Oh! And I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour
LOL  you've got it good....i only got religious pencils and egg sandwiches at my Sunday School

If only they'd have made an effort with the giveaways my soul could have been saved
Whatever anyone believes in is OK by me as long as I don't have to listen to them trying to ram it down my throat.
Live and let live is generally my mantra, but bigotry and fanaticism in any religion gets right up my nose, as do outdated dogmas that some religions expect people to subscribe to, when commonsense blatantly says otherwise
Basically what I am trying to say is that in every religion, not everyone believes in or follows every single thing they are preached, everyone will have qualms about certain areas of the religion.
absolutely right, river, thats why i got so annoyed  during one bb about fm's slagging mo off because he eats was almost as if christians can pick and choose which bits of their faith they like or dont like  but then hold moslems to the  absolutes of their faith
I was brought up a wishy washy CofE (wishy washy in that it was rarely practised.. we didn't go to church, but I was christened, and made to recite the lords prayer at bedtimes)... I am now kind of an agnostic... I am open minded about possibilities.   I resent religion when it is used to criticise others, wage wars, and basically cause hurt to other people.

I am married to a catholic.  He went to a Benedictine boarding school... was taught by Benedictine monks.   He is extremely conflicted about it all.    HE can criticise it...  but should a non catholic criticise it he will come out fighting on its behalf.  (a bit like any discussion about his mother really )

To add to his conflictions... his mother converted to Jehovah s Witness when he was in his teens...   compared to them the Catholic faith seems quite lenient... 

There have been a handful of occasion when our differing beliefs have been discussed... usually started by my criticism of the Catholic church...   after long debates he too normally comes to a point where he admits that he does truly believe in Catholicism, but does not necessarily agree with the opinions of the people in power in the Catholic church.
Seriously, every religion/faith should contain an element of doubt, be open to criticism and not be taken literally (that's where extremists are found).
I started going back to Church to get my sons in to the Church school, and then after 4 months of sitting there blankly on a Sunday, I started listening. The local Rector was the first person who has ever made me giggle in Church. It turned out that he was openly gay, and the head of the Anglican Inclusive Church. I got talking to him, we became friends, he forced me to become a governor at the school, and we'd go raving together. He explained more about how faith and spiritual development was as vital as reason, and I thought it was a jolly good idea and got baptised.
I don't envy husband his faith... it seems like an ongoing inner turmoil to me. BUT... I do envy some people their faith, especially when someone dies... if you have faith then you are able to believe you will see that person again.
Yeah sometimes I think having faith must be nice, comforting.

I don't believe in anything though, karma, destiny...nothing...
i do have an aunt that trys to push jehovah on m
yeah Jaf...  some of the emails we get from Hubby's mother cross the line in terms of respecting anothers beliefs... 

I have to say hubby hates his mothers religion with a passion.   He says they targeted his mother when she was vunerable...   once she joined them they then began (& still do) pressuring her to get her children to convert.

She has 5 kids... none of them converted!
I don't believe in anything though, karma, destiny...nothing.
really?   ooh.. I am quite surprised at that. I'd never thought about believing in karma or destiny.

I do belief in both those things... but not in a religious way...  I don't think there is a set path for us as such...   more that these things exist because its amazing how things turn out.

I suppose I am too sceptical of fluke & coincidence to not believe in karma & destiny.
I once sat next to a lovely lady on a plane who was talking away and then the converstion veered towards her religion (her doing not mine) she was a Jehovah witness and started preaching all sorts of nonsence and i was trapped  4 hours from tenerife about the reasons not to have a blood transfusion is not how i expected to end my holiday
RiverRock - you sound like the same sort of Catholic my MiL is. She is very secure in her faith, goes to mass every Sunday and plays piano for her church.
But she thinks the Vatican are living in the past, has no problem with same-sex relationships (her youngest son's girlfriend left him for another woman, but MiL is still close to her) and has always been warm and welcoming to me, despite me being completely non-religious and having lived in 'sin' with her eldest son for the past 17 years!

People like you and my MiL obviously see their faith as something deeper than mere dogma. Dave, however, is someone who uses religion as an excuse for sticking to his own prejudices.
Right then, I don't believe in a god and I am pretty sure that one does not exist for this very reason.

This week I happened to come back home for lunch. While I was making my lunch I heard the door bell. Upon answering the caller announced themselves as representing a particular church and wanted to talk with me about god. I, as you would expect declined, at which point they left.

I then went to my bedroom window and looked out to see a number of people pressing intercom buttons for the other flats in the complex. Now I know that the vast majority of people who live here are at work or university.

So, if a god existed and this god wished the representatives to spread the word as far and wide as possible, with the possibility that they could gain new members. Would this god which may or may not be omnipresent, send out representative to homes where the occupants were not in?
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
I started to question my religion (I'm catholic) just before my first holy communion because I hated the idea of confession.  I know some catholics love the idea of a sealed confession but I could never understand why I had to tell a man in a box my sins and wait for him to give me a penance which I always saw as a punishment.  Surely if there is a God I could talk to him direct - why do we need an intermediary? 
So, if a god existed and this god wished the representatives to spread the word as far and wide as possible, with the possibility that they could gain new members. Would this god which may or may not be omnipresent, send out representative to homes where the occupants were not in?
Are you insinuating that the Avon Lady may be superior to our Lord ???

Hmmm opens a whole interesting new theological argument that

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