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Labour has established a double-digit lead over the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have been overtaken by the UK Independence Party, according to a new poll.

The YouGov survey for The Sun put Labour 11 points ahead, on 43% to the Tories' 32%.

It also found that Ukip, with 9% support, had pushed the Lib Dems, on 8%, into fourth place.


Tell 'em the bad news GJ!


Unfortunately it's a Sun Poll. Murdoch is really punishing Cameron for not saving him. If Murdoch is going to support Labour (sic) again I'd be tempted to vote Tory.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nick Clegg... I fell for his patter before the election  I remember especially the Newsnight audience test - anyone see it? He came across well. 

Then along came political power... and he soon broke a rock solid promise to students; the first of other disappointments.

Glad they're down in the polls. Why didn't they vote for Vince Cable as leader in the first place? 

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Nick Clegg... I fell for his patter before the election  I remember especially the Newsnight audience test - anyone see it? He came across well. 

Then along came political power... and he soon broke a rock solid promise to students; the first of other disappointments.

Glad they're down in the polls. Why didn't they vote for Vince Cable as leader in the first place? 

  The libdems make me sick now.  

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Nick Clegg... I fell for his patter before the election  I remember especially the Newsnight audience test - anyone see it? He came across well. 

Then along came political power... and he soon broke a rock solid promise to students; the first of other disappointments.

Glad they're down in the polls. Why didn't they vote for Vince Cable as leader in the first place? 

  The libdems make me sick now.  

I'm telling you Cupcake... Nick Clegg almost makes Tony Blair look like a politican of integrity.

Whats happened to politics in this country? Why do they go into the profession if they have no core beliefs?

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Nick Clegg... I fell for his patter before the election  I remember especially the Newsnight audience test - anyone see it? He came across well. 

Then along came political power... and he soon broke a rock solid promise to students; the first of other disappointments.

Glad they're down in the polls. Why didn't they vote for Vince Cable as leader in the first place? 

  The libdems make me sick now.  

I'm telling you Cupcake... Nick Clegg almost makes Tony Blair look like a politican of integrity.

Whats happenned to politics in this country? Why do they go into the profession if they have no core beliefs?

Well said hun

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Lordy, we can't win no matter who's in charge can we. Where are the decent leaders?!!!

Y'know, Sweet Bramble's Mommy, I would naturally be a more Labour voter ... but looking back, actually, the last leader to admire for her political vision was Mrs Thatcher  No matter how right or wrong her policies... I felt she really believed in it. I believed she was in it, essentially for her political convictions, rather than just vanity and money-making opportunities post-politics like Blair


*Is shocked by herself, and sits down with a strong cup of tea* 

Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Cupcake:
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Nick Clegg... I fell for his patter before the election  I remember especially the Newsnight audience test - anyone see it? He came across well. 

Then along came political power... and he soon broke a rock solid promise to students; the first of other disappointments.

Glad they're down in the polls. Why didn't they vote for Vince Cable as leader in the first place? 

  The libdems make me sick now.  

I'm telling you Cupcake... Nick Clegg almost makes Tony Blair look like a politican of integrity.

Whats happenned to politics in this country? Why do they go into the profession if they have no core beliefs?

Well said hun

Thanks Cupcake ... I don't often get intellectual or political 

But the Libdems do make sick too hun 


It's not really reason to rejoice, as the Conservatives will gain more from this than anyone else. My hometown, after years of being a Tory stronghold became hotly contested between the Conservatives and Lib Dems during the last 15 years or so. Most of the anti-Tory voters there vote Lib Dem as Labour would have as poor a chance of winning as the Conservatives would in a mining town! With hardly any people willing to vote Lib Dem, the Tories will win by a comfortable majority. The same goes for a lot of constituencies in the south of England.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



I can't say I'm not fact I'm delirious 



* Gideon was shocked at how little millionaires paid income tax...there's only 23 of them in the cabinet and him being one of them* he thinks we're all idiots like him 

I agree, but even so, you never heard Gordon Brown or Alistair Darling exclaim surprise over how little tax the rich paid.  The tax fiddles haven't just been introduced by the Tories, they've been there for years and decades probably. 


It's easy to hate Gideon (very easy in fact) but he has dared say something that would have been heresy under the Tories 1979-97.  He's created a stick for people to beat him with. Probably hot air but most Tories just persist in trying to tell us the rich are being taxed to death.  He's let the cat out of the bag, it will be interesting to see what he does.  My guess is nothing, but it was an odd thing for a Tory to admit.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

The only canvasers I've had at the door for the local elections have been the Labour party.We're having a ballot paper where you place your first choice as no 1. next choice as  2nd etc up to however many are on the ballot paper.You can also just pick first choice and leave the rest blank.I'm in Glasgow.

I had a Tory at the door.. A TORY!!  ! I thought they were extinct in South Lanarkshire! 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

The only canvasers I've had at the door for the local elections have been the Labour party.We're having a ballot paper where you place your first choice as no 1. next choice as  2nd etc up to however many are on the ballot paper.You can also just pick first choice and leave the rest blank.I'm in Glasgow.

I had a Tory at the door.. A TORY!!  ! I thought they were extinct in South Lanarkshire! 

I hope they are now!  You did invite him in to meet with a nasty accident the family?

Originally Posted by Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ:

Weird just a few short years ago The Sun was avid Tory supporters.  They played a massive part in Labour's defeat in the last general election.

But before that they were avid Labour (sic) supporters....... and before that etc etc.

In general they will support whoever is most likely to keep Murdoch in power

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

Is that an Inguinal orchiectomy Lilibet? They don't show testicles on political leaflets around here. Dark ages or what? 

 Not quite!


It's probably got more bollox than usual, mind. 

You could always play Tory bingo.


The mess left by the last government, tough decisions and hard choices, spend spend spend, tax and spend, fighting for Britain, Eurocrats, removing red tape, value for money, putting Britain first, putting local people first, small businesses, enterprise economy, .


I tend to think they're all as bad as each other tbh.


I think there should be 'none of the above' option on ballot papers, if not more accuratey... 'none of the above as they all make me want to puke to the point of collapse'.


Failing that I'll have to just continue to go through the usual process of reluctantly voting for the least nausea inducing candidate/party available. 

Comrade Ogilvy
Last edited by Comrade Ogilvy
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

The only canvasers I've had at the door for the local elections have been the Labour party.We're having a ballot paper where you place your first choice as no 1. next choice as  2nd etc up to however many are on the ballot paper.You can also just pick first choice and leave the rest blank.I'm in Glasgow.

I had a Tory at the door.. A TORY!!  ! I thought they were extinct in South Lanarkshire! 

I hope they are now!  You did invite him in to meet with a nasty accident the family?

Yes! By the way, d'you like my new patio ? !

Originally Posted by PeterCat:

Shame that none of this seems to be affecting the London Mayoral election.

I can't bear the thought of another term for that corrupt Tory shark

I feel fortunate I'm not a Londoner.  The choice between Boris and Ken is like being asked if you want to be punched in the face or kicked in the balls.


My normal loyalties are with Labour but I just find Ken to be a repugnant politician.


Maybe he's good for Londoners, maybe Boris is, I've no real idea so plead ignorance.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by PeterCat:

Shame that none of this seems to be affecting the London Mayoral election.

I can't bear the thought of another term for that corrupt Tory shark

I feel fortunate I'm not a Londoner.  The choice between Boris and Ken is like being asked if you want to be punched in the face or kicked in the balls.


My normal loyalties are with Labour but I just find Ken to be a repugnant politician.

I'd go for the latter option and get off the hook on a technicality


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