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has really done my head in and I really don't want him to win this programme, he knew how BB worked before he went in, and if it was someone who was disliked on the outside doing this ie Charlie, there would be absolute furore on this forum.

I don't like the reaction to him on last nights HLs at all, but I can see why they are all angry at him. And again I know he has put himself out there again to be evicted but I don't buy this one iota.

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Originally posted by mozart:
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
maybe because they all agreed before they went in to nominate, even Siavash did, then when he went in there reneged on it.

but then most of them are guilty of saying something and doing the opposite.
maybe with other things, but not nominations. Please don't think I agree with their reaction I don't, but I also don't like it hat Siavash has not played by the rules.
Originally posted by *BB*:
He said one thing then did another. Thats why they were angry with him. They feel let down.

He said..... "now its 100%, i know what i have to do.." when the nom's twist was shown on the plasma. How is that saying one thing and doing another?

They assumed he meant he was going to vote, just like you are doing.
The Guru
Originally posted by mozart:
tbh i cannot see why they were angry with siavash last night, it not as if his actions put rodrigo or charlie up for eviction.

these moronic losers in the final weeks are so DESPERATE to stay in the house.
all know they have a very good chance of going if they're nominated.

THAT is why they are most volatile about the threat of all housemates going up for nomination IF the HMs don't nominate.

Only the ones that understand the game, the public vote OUT who they hate, aren't threatened. They understand that if up for nomination and LIKED, they'll stay in the house.

it's NOT about saving. Lisa and David think they are LIKED because they're never voted out of the house.
However, if the other evicted HMs weren't so offenisve, they would have gone long ago. Lisa and David are in the house by DEFAULT. They are NOT 'saved' and adored by the public.

watch them when BB announces the HMs up for nomination this week; they'll be nice as pie once again when they learn they were saved by the skin of their teeth.
they all targeted marcus and siavash to save their own arses, they had no need to have a go at siavash, he was not going to make any difference to the nomination result and they knew that,they have shown themselves up as desperate to bring down another housemate any way they can, well done siavash for showing them up for what they are.
the funny thing is, they get NOTHING for coming in second place, nor third, etc.

So being THAT desperate (e.g. David jumping up and down if BB said "jump") in trying to stay in the house to 'win' is moot.

David, Lisa and Rodders has NO chance of winning against Charlie and Sophie.

(I do NOT want Char or Soph to win, before all the Charlie Sophie supporters start bashing me).

Rod "I want to stay because I want to enjoy everything in this house".

eh? The one that has had the MOST volative explosions for minor offenses in a SHARED house? He's a miserable spoiled brat! What a hypocrite.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
I agree they showed themselves up MM I have said that, but do you trust people in life who say one thing then do another?

Ah but sure what harm in the grand scheme of things Jen? Sure its only a gameshow Laugh
yes I know Maz Laugh and I do get carried away Blush but have to look at the HMs with some sort of morals Laugh
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
yes I know Maz and I do get carried away but have to look at the HMs with some sort of morals

I hear ya sista! Who do you want to win this year? Valentine
Marcus, it says in my sig Laugh he has been the one to say it how it is, hasn't backstabbed and I don't think I would like any of the others to tbh, best of a bad bunch.

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