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Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:

No one's in the public eye's going to go anywhere near her now (or at least they won't be seen anywhere near her), so her usefulness (at least in the short term) is rather limited...

She'll get a nice big 'go away and disassociate yourself from me and my corporation' cheque from Murdoch so she'll live quite comfortably. I still think she's got shit loads on the Murdochs and they've paid her off to try and repair some of the damage. Seems by her departure and Murdoch's apology today (and blanket media apology tomorrow), he's trying to shift all the blame on to her without actually saying so.


I just don't see why he is so deluded that he thinks this will all quieten down if he's being seen to do 'the right thing'. He might be able to buy Judges and Lawyers to sway things in his favour but his brands are useless without the support (revenue) of the public. Twunt.

Originally Posted by Smarting Buttocks:

I'm sure Rupert already has another NI job lined up for her in the near future.

I think that will depend on how the story develops.

Karma_ makes a good point about the impression that Murdoch's trying to shift the blame onto her. If (and it's still only an "if") the claims about hacking 9/11 victims proves true, there will be a sh!t storm that will put all previous aspects of this scandal into the shade, and guess who was editor of the NOTW in 2001...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
She was married to Ross Kemp. Certain accusations were made regarding domestic violence.

Thats what i thought, are they not married anymore then?

Nooooo! And I got the ravin ump when he married her cos he's lush and she's a horrible witch! (I used to work for News Int and everyone knew what a cow she was but was so far up Murdoch's backside she glittered like flies on shit). Her and Kemp divorced ages ago :BIG GRIN:

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
She was married to Ross Kemp. Certain accusations were made regarding domestic violence.

Thats what i thought, are they not married anymore then?

Nah: they divorced in (I think) 2007. Mind you, it was kept very quiet. I mean, the divorce of a Soap star and a Fleet Street editor: you'd think the gossip columns of the other papers would be all over it, woudn't you?

She married the author Charlie Brooks in 2009.

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
She was married to Ross Kemp. Certain accusations were made regarding domestic violence.

Thats what i thought, are they not married anymore then?

Nooooo! And I got the ravin ump when he married her cos he's lush and she's a horrible witch! (I used to work for News Int and everyone knew what a cow she was but was so far up Murdoch's backside she glittered like flies on shit). Her and Kemp divorced ages ago :BIG GRIN:


Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
She was married to Ross Kemp. Certain accusations were made regarding domestic violence.

Thats what i thought, are they not married anymore then?

Nah: they divorced in (I think) 2007. Mind you, it was kept very quiet. I mean, the divorce of a Soap star and a Fleet Street editor: you'd think the gossip columns of the other papers would be all over it, woudn't you?

She married the author Charlie Brooks in 2009.

Thank you for the info 

Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Just watched one of her fellow Journo's talking about her on this morning gushing and saying how great she was as a journalist and how honest etc.. she was so great she apparently hadn't a clue what was going on under her on a Paper she was supposed to be editor of.. She should have been sacked for being a cack Boss if that was the case

I'm finding some of the recent descriptions of her hilarious. For years, everyone in the business who doesn't work for her, or does but is able to speak in private, has described her as a poor journalist and businesswoman. However they would also agree that her one great ability was networking. That was her real value to Murdoch: her ability to smooze with Prime Ministers and the like.
No one's in the public eye's going to go anywhere near her now (or at least they won't be seen anywhere near her), so her usefulness (at least in the short term) is rather limited...

My dad is wetting himself at the descriptions too. He's heard first hand testimony about the shambles of an editorial team herself and Coulson (dep. ed. at the NOTW when she was editor) were in the 2000s. It was the sub-editors and art department that brought out that paper week in week out in spite of the incompetence of their bosses.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
She was married to Ross Kemp. Certain accusations were made regarding domestic violence.

Thats what i thought, are they not married anymore then?

Nah: they divorced in (I think) 2007. Mind you, it was kept very quiet. I mean, the divorce of a Soap star and a Fleet Street editor: you'd think the gossip columns of the other papers would be all over it, woudn't you?

She married the author Charlie Brooks in 2009.

Thank you for the info 

She gave 'ard man Kemp a left hook at the Ivy Restaurant in front of baffled theatre goers. And yes, she did hush it up, for the most part. She valued her privacy 

Originally Posted by suzybean:

She gave 'ard man Kemp a left hook at the Ivy Restaurant in front of baffled theatre goers. And yes, she did hush it up, for the most part. She valued her privacy 

Yeah, this was alluded to further up. She couldn't keep the assault thing entirely quiet, but there was remarkably little coverage about it considering:

(a) They'd been dining with David Blunkett when the argument started;

(b) She was arrested (though not charged); and

(c) The Sun was running a campaign against domestic violence at the time!

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by suzybean:

She gave 'ard man Kemp a left hook at the Ivy Restaurant in front of baffled theatre goers. And yes, she did hush it up, for the most part. She valued her privacy 

Yeah, this was alluded to further up. She couldn't keep the assault thing entirely quiet, but there was remarkably little coverage about it considering:

(a) They'd been dining with David Blunkett when the argument started;

(b) She was arrested (though not charged); and

(c) The Sun was running a campaign against domestic violence at the time!

I know  Bet that spooked Blunkett's doggie. I once tripped over him, but that's another story 


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