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Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Arrested by appointment apparently.

Very unusual to "arrest by appointment" on a Sunday. Lot of suggestions already that this is a piece of media management by the police. It makes them look good (after dealling very badly with this case previously), and takes the heat off of police corruption claims that are surfacing just now (and otherwise might dominate the papers tomorrow).


There's also the question of whether her impending arrest was known about when her resignation was finally accepted...


Just been reported that she was notified by the police of her impeding arrest on Friday, after she had resigned...


Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Well isn't this very convenient? She now can't testify to this enquiry committee, I believe.

Technically I think she can, but there would be enormous restrictions on what she could say. They're already talking about her summons being withdrawn.


TBH, this was always going to be a problem anyway: James Murdoch alluded to it in the note he released when agreeing to the enquiry appearance. I would have thought that, ultimately, the police investigation would always have precidence...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

It'll be interesting to see if she's gonna take the full fall.


Karms - nice to see the voice of reason back  

Don't know about the voice of reason, more like a shriek of distaste (But ta! )


Just find it interesting how last week Rebekah was the apple of Rupert's eye and this week she's about as indespensable as a haemorrhoid. I expect a press release stating that they knew nowt about it and discovered Brooks did and that's why she' left'. Can see it getting quite nasty.  I will never believe that James (or Rupert) had no clue about the hacking stuff and paid Brooks off and are now sticking the knives in. One main lesson in life; loyalty doesn't pay. 


It comes to something when this is said in a democracy, but I hope they put the rotten lot of the evil empire in prison.  Our politicians should have stamped on the scumbag's media domination ambitions in the 70s while they still had the power and freewill not to compromise the law and democracy in this country.  Even last week he was meeting with Tory lickspittle Gove over setting up schools to push his influence ever further.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

It comes to something when this is said in a democracy, but I hope they put the rotten lot of the evil empire in prison.  Our politicians should have stamped on the scumbag's media domination ambitions in the 70s while they still had the power and freewill not compromise the law and democracy in this country.  Even last week he was meeting with Tory lickspittle Gove over setting up schools to push his influence ever further.

Very unlikely in my opinion, there will be all sorts of deals going on in the background to define the untouchables and the dispensable useful idiots. We know that there was some sort of cabal involving journalists, police, and criminals, powerful enough to ride roughshod over law and democracy, and even able to put in the government of their choice.


I do hope that I am wrong mind.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Saint:

Unbelievable - how can she be cleared?

TBH, I'm not all that surprised she was cleared of hacking. I suspected there might be sufficient doubt that she was involved in specific cases.
I am surprised she and the others were cleared of the "perverting the course of justice" charges, though. From what I've heard about it, that business with the bags being left in a car park couldn't have been more suspicious if they'd wore striped jumpers, face masks and written "SWAG" on the bags...


I'm a little concerned that Murdoch and his like are now going to try to play down the whole scandal by bringing back that old "few rotten apples" line, but the thing is this: anyone who's tried to defend themselves against these hacking charges is caught in a "Fool or Knave" dilemma. If - say - Brookes wasn't aware that illegal activity was taking place (and the jury has now said she wasn't), then she was grossly incompetent because someone in her position darn well should have known about it...

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

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