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          Billi - BB8 @RebeckahVaughan watched by millions... Plural? Erm, do it on channel 4,like me, and that would be valid. Channel Five.... No

Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti Sorry I don't know who you are??

Billi - BB8 @RebeckahVaughan that's cool. I'm a significant housemate who did the show when it was relevant. Watched by 8 m- 4 Heat covers 5 Star covers

Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti oh you've got a lot of followers cough cough* still relevant I see.... I've got a spare 100k do you want some?

Billi - BB8 @RebeckahVaughan twitter was not around in 2007 dick... Do u want any of ÂĢÂĢÂĢÂĢs I made whilst you went back to work, still not relevant?

Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti ps...
Billi - BB8 @RebeckahVaughan wow, an online story. Who gives a ****?

Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti twatty followers?! **** you ******** keep trawling around twitter trying to find popular people to pick on in order to beg a couple more followers, the people on my twitter are enigmatic inspirational people who brighten my day, offend them at your peril.
Billi - BB8 @RebeckahVaughan have u seen my tweets and my profile? Am I bothered about followers? I make my money. You keep sucking up to the unemployed

 Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti er the point is my 200k deal, I was earning 100k plus before the house I went in the house to raise awareness for my charity not to earn money as I have lots

Billi - BB8 @RebeckahVaughan of course love- that's why auditioned for a show like Big Brother- you deluded ****. Like i said, scum doesn't bother me

 Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti Btw, Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen is on the phone, he said he wants his hair back.....

 Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti Everyone is laughing at you, your an an embarrassment

Rebeckah - BB12 @billibhatti The only person on here showing themselves to be scum is you, I understand you have gender issues so I'll leave you alone this evening has spoke for itself as has your behaviour and people opinions of you.
 That did make me 

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